Rejoice With Us – But Don’t Stop Praying!!

REJOICE With Us!! From Emma & Josh: *Lincoln’s Update Thursday Evening Uganda time* It is with overwhelming thankfulness that we share that our precious Lincoln Tendo after being in the ICU for 6 days has been moved out of the ICU and is currently deemed stable and we’ve been transferred into the children’s unit for…

It Could Have Turned Out…

We all love to hear of God working in ordinary people’s lives – it builds our faith and energizes us, doesn’t it?  Whether He is providing, protecting, directing, healing or surprising us – each circumstance reminds us that He is always at work around us.  Always.   No matter where we are, no matter what has…

A Surprise Gift For YOU!!

Oh my gracious guys!!  The other day I received a really, really, really exciting email.  As I read it, I thought, “Is this for real?”  I mean, offers like this are incredible!! Are you ready for this? The email I received was from YWAM Publishing!!!! Wait!! What????? YWAM wrote saying they had found my blog…

One Holy and Very Humbling Moment

Almost 18 years ago I found myself leaning against Emma and Liberty’s bedroom wall listening to Emma’s most sincere and innocent night time prayer.  Her little voice prayed totally out of the blue, “Please let me be the one you pick to go to Africa to take care of the orphans…..” In fact I opened…