Prayer That Moves A Mountain

I have been having many, many “weirdo” days lately. If you missed my blog on Journey to Me regarding what that exactly means, then here is the link:

Anyway, my fellow “weirdo” girl friend who lives here emailed me this AM about the orphan. I emailed her back and told her that I was having a rough time: weepy, fighting tears, antsy and struggling about what more I can do for the orphans… She wrote me back and said that she, too, since seeing the slide show in church yesterday that Emma put together of the trip with Daddy to Africa where they were ministering to the orphans, is also having a major “weirdo” time. ((I will soon be putting the slide show on this site for all of you to see.)) What struck my friend and I is that all of these kids pictured need a mommy and daddy. I bawl looking at all these little African faces….all longing for a family of their own. The need is so overwhelming!!

Frankly, I don’t apologize for these strong emotions, I believe they are from the heart of God. What more can I do from my little log home? We will adopt more. Get Jubilee home and before long – bring more – lots more!!

But what else can I do? Dw suggested something a couple of weeks ago. He suggested that since I am an intercessor, why not have an email address that women could write to with prayer requests pertaining to adoption?? Hmmm! Golly I love that guy of mine! What a great idea! I did need to pray about it, so I have.

I have been getting prayer requests occasionally from women who have read my blog and wonder if I can pray for them also. I love praying for these needs.

So…….here goes…..If you have a heart for adoption and your husband isn’t there…then ask for prayer. If you are a single and long to adopt….write and ask for prayer. If your adoption is having a problem….write and ask for prayer. Maybe you are wondering about adopting but are scared….write and ask for prayer. Maybe you are wondering if adoption is for you?? – Write and ask for prayer. Maybe you have adopted and wonder if you should pursue adopting again – write and ask for prayer. Maybe you wonder if your quiver is full….but maybe not?? Write and ask for prayer! Wouldn’t it be totally cool if eventually thousands of kids were placed in homes as a direct result of our gathering to pray for the homes for the orphan?

I am absolutely convinced that God moves in a huge and mighty way when people pray together! So here it is friends, both far and near: I will be copying and pasting and send the requests to various close “weirdo” friends who will believe with me that God has a huge plan for each orphan’s life. Each one praying has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and has a heart for intercession and a heart for the orphan. Let’s bear our burden for the orphans together!

One day we will all stand before the king of Kings and lord of Lords. I long to one day hear Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant girl. You did all you could, from where I placed you, to love the orphan. You prayed faithfully! You agonized for the needs of the orphan! You sought to pray for homes for the orphans of the world! And yes, sweet and precious daughter there are many, many orphans in homes because of your faithful prayers.”

PS If you saw this post in the last few hours and notice that the email has changed….due to technical difficulties! Kind of funny…..nothing is too difficult – except email addresses for prayer! How weird is that??? So hence, the new one and it DOES work!

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