They’re On Their Way to You!!

Okay, maybe not quite as exciting as Publisher’s Clearing House showing up at your door BUT none the less, the Christmas Eve presents I promised to over a dozen of you blogging buddies of mine were packaged and taken to the Post Office today….
For those of you unfamiliar with why I’m doing this: it’s my way of saying “thank you” to those who posted the most comments while I was in Africa…it’s my way of saying “thank you for your prayers, your love and your thoughtfulness! We needed those prayers and comments so desperately!!” You guys rock!!

I admit it was really pretty funny to see where you guys lived….one of you I was sure lived in Florida – but you live in Tennessee (what was I thinking?)….two of you live in Ohio, one even lives in Colorado (we have to get together one day, maybe when there is a giant thaw?)…..two live in Washington State….one in Texas….one of you I was certain lived in Texas and you live in New York (my home state)….and so for the rest of you guys: one of you are in North Carolina, one is in Illinois, one in Kansas (speaking of Kansas – you dear actually have a box coming because my daughter bought two presents for your son while we were in Africa =) you have to tell me if he turns red when you tell him that – k?!)….two from Indiana, and one from Michigan – I think that covers everybody… so anyway, they should be to your homes by early next week *giggle* – Too Fun!!
I had to take a picture of all the packages before I mailed them – Nelly standing guard! Don’t worry about your addresses showing -I wouldn’t want to freak anyone out that maybe some lurker has clicked on the picture and enlarged it and now is stalking you!! Hence, I turned them all over – but they were indeed quite a pile!!
Yippee Jesus for sweet friends around the country to mail presents to! May you each be blessed indeed for your love and thoughtfulness!! xo

6 thoughts on “They’re On Their Way to You!!

  1. Hi Linny, You will never know how much I will treasure a gift from you from that awe inspiring trip to Uganda. I just hope it gets here before we leave to go to China!!!!! Don’t worry some one is staying at our house and will bring in the mail!!!!

  2. I am so excited I can’t wait! OK, 2 in Indiana, 2 in Ohio and one in Michigan. It looks to me like you should be heading this way sometime so we can have a party and celebrate those babies. If you come though you have to bring some cinnamon rolls with you =).

  3. Oh I can’t Wait! So exciting and so thoughtful. You really are the best!



    PS I want some of those yummy looking cinnamon rolls too! Okay, maybe just the recipe! 🙂

  4. Aaahhh, you are sooooo sweet! Thank you so much for doing that. It truly has been such a privilege to pray for your family, such an honor. AND, such a blessing to see God MOVE! Love it!!!
    Oh, I would love to visit someday. We have actually (so far) had a pretty mild winter up here in the mountains–very little snow compared to last year. Maybe it’s just coming a little later 🙂
    Thank you for being such a blessing!

  5. I started to comment on this a few posts down, but somehow it was ‘eaten’ in cyberspace and couldn’t get it to go through. Here it goes again..
    So we have Linn who travels across the globe to Africa to bring home these precious little people and not only is she dealing with all the paperwork, governments, etc.. she continues to think about everyone BUT herself!!! Linn, you have become a wonderful “mom mentor” from afar for me. I usually start and end my day ….right here! 🙂
    May God richly bless you and your family in this New Year!
    Thank you!!

  6. Oh Linny, Publisher’s Clearing House is soooo over-rated! I am waaaaaay MORE excited to receive my surprise from Uganda. Mostly because it is coming from you my new dear friend, and because it represents your sweet babies,and the mountains that God moved to bring them home! ( I can still picture Dwight outside yelling at the blizzard to STOP–and then blogging about God laughing at him for getting a little uptight, thanks Dwight for the smiles)!

    GO GOD!!!! What a joy it was to journey with all of you!

    I’ll be watchin’ my mailbox!



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