News From Uganda

I am soooo sorry for the delay in relaying any news from Africa….
the waiting drives us crazy as well!
And trust me…the second they give me permission to post Finn’s picture? Ha! That will be the post done in absolute record time! 
Anyway, the news from Uganda is that court went super well.  They are promising that as soon as they hear that ruling papers have been granted they will tell me so I can tell you.  They are so appreciative for all the praying you guys have been doing for them. 
They called and were telling me about going to tour Finn’s orphanage. One of the mamas ran and grabbed Finn out of Abi’s arms and ran off to show him to everyone. As soon as that well meaning mama did that, that sweet baby boy started to wail and wail and wail. He did not calm down until Abi was able to snag him back. Apparently Finley Lane is attaching quite nicely!!
I got an email that Abi got quite bit up {although Ryan says she has not complained at all} by something. And little Finn has quite a  nasty cough and so they were asking us to pray.
They are back in kampala awaiting the ruling papers.  Thank you again for praying. Mimi’s heart is overjoyed…we are officially a  multi-generational adoptive  family…and that, my friends is the best legacy we could leave!  
Time to build a fire….brrrr…mighty windy and chilly over here at our mountain home…no doubt summers gone. waaaaaa

20 thoughts on “News From Uganda

  1. Wonderful news Mimi!
    Great to know that court went well!
    We will be praying that they will not have any problems from the bites and that Finn's cold will go away quickly!
    Praying them safely home!
    Love you!

  2. Yeah God!!! So happy to FINALLY (smile) hear that all is going well!!!

    Can't wait to see pictures….and better yet – when is sweet Finn coming to visit Durango???

  3. What exciting news. I feel like im waiting to see the picture of my grandbaby. Cant wait to finally see a picture.
    I will be praying for little Finn that the Lord would heal his little cough and praising Him that he loves his momma. Way cool!

  4. Great news!!! I have been checking back waiting for that picture:O) Can't wait to hear the paperwork is completely done. I love that Finn started wailing for his mommy, what a wonderful thing for a new mommy's heart. Especially and adoptive mommy:O) I'll be praying for them.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful news!! Can't wait so see pictures…I am so happy for your family!

    I can only imagine the beautiful joy of becoming a grandma but what an even deeper joy that your grandbaby is coming by way of adoption. Simply beautiful!!

  6. So happy that the court proceedings are going well. Praise Jesus! Can't wait to hear that Finn is on his way home, with a stop at MiMi's house planned very soon.

  7. Linny,
    I just discovered your blog and so wish I had sooner! I LOVE your Memorial Box Mondays idea and have been thinking of starting something like that based out of Deuteronomy!
    Anyways I'm so interested in learning more about your daughter's adoption in Uganda as we are in the middle of adopting from Congo! I can't email you because I don't have outlook. If you could email me or stop by my blog I would be SO grateful!
    or our blog is
    "Congo, Here we Come!"

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