Oh Brother

It was so wonderful to have my brother here for a few days.  
Something pretty humorous happened while he was here, and I think that you guys would get a kick out of it….and it would indeed confirm that this chica was a bit overtired and probably, admittedly, a tad overwhelmed.
So the day of my mom’s surgery I had to have her there at 6am.  I had just gotten home after driving another 1,000 miles in 2 days {with a little help from the boys near the end}.  So after a couple of hours of sleep, I was up and ready to take her over to the hospital.

My brother had spent the night at my mom’s apartment and met us at the hospital.  After surgery mom was sent to ICU, we were told that the ICU was closed from 5-7pm to visitors.  We decided to go home to my home to eat dinner with the kids and Dw.

Just after 5, Dan and I walked to the parking lot.  He got in my mom’s car and I followed behind in mine.  It’s only a few minutes drive to our home.  I followed Dan the entire way.  As I pulled into our long lane I thought I should check the mailbox.  Dan pulled on ahead and disappeared down the long lane.

I jumped out of the car and ran across the road to our mailbox.  It was empty, so I snapped it shut and drove down toward our home.  As I got close to the house I saw a man outside near the parking area where all the cars are.  I thought to myself, “Hmmm, there is a man at our house.  I wonder who he is.  He is dressed nice.  His coat looks sharp. I wonder who it is. I wonder why he is here.”

And then he turned toward me.

 It was my brother!

Literally – Oh Brother!

I started to laugh.

Tired, much?

 I had just sat at the hospital with him.  

 I had just followed him home.

What a dork!  I laughed off and on all evening.

Here is my brother, Dan, and my mom yesterday morning.

Mom is not feeling too perky yet.

She is having some troubles and went to a different specialist today.

Thank you to those who have been praying for her.

10 thoughts on “Oh Brother

  1. Prayers are still coming for your mom! What a nice picture of the three of you. I know you enjoyed your time with your brother although I know that it was a short time. Keep the positive outlook, God is taking care of your mother.

  2. Your brother looks like such a nice guy! What a great smile!

    I can hear you now- Liberty stand on the chair and take the pic!! You are so funny but hey it works- not a sagging jowl or a double chin in the bunch!

    You are so cute!!

    I have done that (the brother thing/oops) before BUT not fessed up! And now I can't remember when it was!! Ha!

    Our prayers are with your Mom!!

  3. Linny,

    That is SO something I would have done…thanks for the giggle…and I will give one back…
    I was teaching a class at a Keepers at home group last week on cake baking…we were going to bake a really good sheet cake…THANKFULLY, I had a sample…
    Anyway, I was baking away…thinking…these don't look right…something is wrong…well I couldn't figure it out…and I tries ours…very eggy…yuck…so I am just not figuring this out…well, it turns out, as the Lord reminded me the next day…I doubled EVERYTHING (6 times, mind you) EXCEPT the FLOUR AND SUGAR…Frosted Chocolate Souffle anyone???? No blaming THIS ONE on the girls…I had to confess to about 14 families…I AM SUCH A DORK…they all got a really good laugh…

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