Whatcha Think….

about having a day of prayer and fasting this Thursday?  
I have gotten many emails requesting prayer recently
{even more than normal}.
I also confess that something monumental {for us} is happening Thursday.
So Whatcha Think?
Thursday, February 24th
Day of Prayer and Fasting??

41 thoughts on “Whatcha Think….

  1. I am in too. We have something BIG going on too concerning our adoption and we need lots of prayer. Praying that God will move on China's heart for us to bring home a little one. Only God can do this. We have done everything humanly possible. I know in our walk here we have seen the enemy try to knock us over, but I believe in my heart God is moving mountains this week!!

  2. I'll jump on!
    We are praying for God to help the ministry that is advocating for our baby to be able to get him safely out of his home despite a violent and drug addicted uncle and that the aunt would be protected from harm. And that a better foster family can be found for him.


  3. Absolutely in!! It's a HUGE day for us, too. We are having a community spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Thursday for Kaleb's adoption. We are praying for the Lord to AMAZE us with His provision! Our LOA should be coming soon with TA on it's heels as we are an I-600 family, so we're soon headed to bring him home.

  4. I am in! Hubby is coming home Thursday after being gone since Saturday. I will be praying anyway all morning for his safe flight and will just keep on praying all the day long 🙂

  5. I am in for sure. I was praying this morning that God would show me when to fast. I am seeing him move in the hearts of so many at our little church, so I am praying it will continue and that many treasures will find their forever families.

  6. I'm in! 🙂

    I also have a silly question. I'm a little unclear what I should write with the package we are sending you! I had hoped to get it out today, but we got snowed in! So hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday. Any suggestions on a starting point of what to say to the child who may get our little outfit? I'm really at a loss here, and feeling silly!

  7. I'm in! My wonderful husband will be in the air all day on Thurs going over to the sandbox. We will be w/o him for 12 weeks. A large portion of our prayers from the most recent prayer day were answered. God worked all our worries away. I'm so looking forward to participating again.

  8. I have a bit of an urgent request that can't really wait until Thursday..well it might not be that urgent, but for me it's very important…I am in the running for a job(which I've been working for 4 months…it's with special needs kids) they legally had to post it and ONE person applied that can bump me out of a place I love and kids I'm connecting with. the postings close today at 4 pm my time and then they will hire. PLEASE pray this person gets a job in another school or chooses to stay in the job they already have. I was already bumped out of a job in this same school last year.

  9. Hi Linny,
    My name is Janet I live in Missouri and Ive been a lurker on your blog for about a month I was on someone elses blog and found yours from a link and I really liked how you had the music on your site and the adoption stuff too:) and went back and read about the wild adventure then read from the fire forward WOW the things God has done in your family WOW thats all I can say.

    So what brought me out of lurking today?? I saw yesterdays post about a fast on Thursday and imediately was like YES definately God is showing me some fun exciting stuff in my life and Im trusting him to show me the next steps but at the same time scared of stepping out in faith…. fasting is a great way to get God's confirmation and direction:)So YES I am joining you too.


  10. I'm Sylvia in Australia – already fasting since it is Thursday here. Have a heap of things that need praying about:

    . Brothers and sisters in Christ we know in Somalia who are going through an esp. difficult time now

    . 10 year old foster son of my brother and sister in law whose birth dad was murdered last week. Funeral is tomorrow.

    . Baby niece born 6 weeks preemie this week. Mum really wants to be able to take her home or be able to stay however long she needs to be in hospital and avoid separation.

    .My gorgeous daughter, and her husband who have left the Lord and each other to taste the world.

    . My baby beginning kinder tomorrow. We homeschooled our older children but DH decided on school for this one and the Lord has confirmed that decision but I'm still anxious about it.

    . Our current adoption process. Waiting for homestudy to be done.

    . Thanks for this opportunity to pray and fast 'together'

  11. just a report….a PRAISE report! I GOT the job! the person that was going to be able to bump me was put into the system incorrectly..or maybe God changed it but they are NOT a permanent staff member and they can't bump me!! Celebrations at my house tonight!! this is 18 months in the making, and I'm not there yet, but this is the first step!

  12. Yes! i'm in!! Awesome privilege! Your box has been held up:)…because two more families wanted to participate… they will get me their shirts/ties, etc. on Sunday…so the box will be mailed on Monday! So exciting! <3

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