They’re Everywhere!

Seriously, they’re everywhere! 
And what a beautiful bunch of people they are.
Yesterday I received a message from Stacie {whose mom, Gigi, we had had lunch 
with at Cracker Barrel}.  Stacie had been unable to come to lunch and 
considered our car troubles her hidden blessing as she wanted to see our 
littlest miracle in the worst way!  I think she wanted to meet us, too, 
at least that’s what she said {haha}.  
Well Miss Stacie graciously brought dinner and food and soda to the hotel and held little Miss Ruby.  And can I just say, it was absolutely clear that Ruby love, love, loved Miss Stacie.
She grinned and cooed and squealed and chattered away with her. 
{And Ruby did it right back to her too.  Haha} 
Come to find out Stacie had driven 70 miles {one way} to meet us. 
That was pretty sweet to our soul.
Then today a pastor’s wife we knew from way back saw on Facebook 
that we were in Knoxville.  They had just moved to Knoxville less than
 2 weeks ago!  And believe it or not, they are living 2 exits up the road.  
So Linda came and coffee with us this morning.
Then during Linda’s visit I got a voice mail from our friends Janet and Kevin…
.we had stopped on our way to New York at their home in Indianapolis 
and it turns out they were vacationing not far from Knoxville.   
We just met them for lunch. 
We have known Janet and Kevin for several years from emails and phone calls, but now God has allowed our hearts to join together in person and they are going to be joining us as “the Ch*na Connection” for International Voice of the Orphan.
We will be announcing some super sweet stuff about that in the days ahead
as God continues to grow IVO because of His deep love for the orphans of the world.
Yippee Jesus!
And there have been emails and Facebook messages from other bloggy friends who are not far away either.    
One of our bloggy-turned to real life friends {Laura and Mark} 
live in Louisville, Kentuck even offered to come pick us up and take us to
 their home for the week-end {four hours away}.   
Crazy orphan lovin’  people!
So very sweet of the Lord to bless us with so many opportunities to 
meet such precious people.
I cannot believe how sweet the blog world is! 
How blessed we are!

13 thoughts on “They’re Everywhere!

  1. Well, that's awesome! What a blessed day!

    Again, I extend our home to you all. If not, then feel free to come wash laundry or have the kids play. Can we buy you all breakfast , lunch or dinner – meeting you would be such an honor!

    God Bless,


  2. I've never posted on your blog before but love to read it. We have 11 kids from 30-5 and have been blessed with 7 through adoption. I saw that you are in Knoxville and wanted to let you know of a fun quick free site for your family to enjoy on your way home if you take I-40. It's a huge, I mean huge, treehouse in Crossville very near the highway exit. Built by a minister to the glory of God. Hope the link works. Thought you all might enjoy it. Praying you don't have anymore car trouble on your way home!

    1. Ally, We didn't get to see the treehouse, but maybe next time. Sounds like the kids would love it and seriously, I've always had a fascination with them myself…so I know I would have too!

  3. Ahh.. Sweet Linny, before I moved to the Philippines, I lived near Louisville, I would have loved to meet your precious family! Come to think of it .. not sure what ya'll's schedule is.. but my momma would still love to meet ya'll!! Prayer and Blessings over ya'll's travels! <3

  4. I knew you'd all make the most of it !! AND that our sweet God will surround you with blessing!! I wish you had car trouble in Mpls! Well… I suppose I shouldn't wish that… Okay instead I wish we lived in Knoxville!

    Blessings to all of you!

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