There’s a Party Going On…

I’ll never forget where I was standing the first time 
I heard her pray that prayer.  Tucking her into bed, 
in her darkened room, that she shared with her sisters, 
my little six and a half year old girl quietly spoke,

“Dear Lord, Please let me be a missionary to the 
orphans of Uganda when I grow up.”  

I honestly opened my eyes in surprise and kind of 
giggled inside, thinking, 

“Probably aren’t a lot of people praying that prayer, 
so I’m pretty sure you’ll get the ‘job’.” 

And from that night on.. 

although just six and a half years old, it’s just about all she 
talked about and prayed for. 

Six years ago, our Emma had the privilege of first traveling to Uganda with her daddy who was leading a pastor’s 
conference, she had been pleading with him to let her go that summer and as God would orchestrate Dw got asked to lead a pastor’s conference and the rest is history….

The Lord would bless her with many more trips to “her” land 


in January of 2013, 15 months ago, on her 12th trip to Uganda, 
Emma would permanently move here.

I’ve told close friends that I really know why God called 
her at 6.5 years old…it was for her daddy and I.  
Our merciful God prepared us as she grew so that 
one day this girl of ours would live across the oceans 
and serve the people she loves.

God has done an amazing work in Emma’s life and today 
is a very monumental day for her, for all of us as her 
family and all of those who know and love her….

But I’ll let her share exactly what God has done…
cause it’s really her story, a story of a life of 
complete obedience and surrender, no matter what…

Here’s what God began calling Emma to do, 
from the time she was just 6.5 years old, 
in her own words…..

Em On a Mission…

Celebrate with us!! 

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