Glamorous Flowers Still Fade….

A flower outside the surgical ward where Little Miss R had her surgery last Monday in Uganda…
I love flowers.  I stop to take pictures of them whenever I am able.  It doesn’t matter the size of them. 
I enjoy the teeny-tiny ones in their simple beauty as well as those created to bring enormous intricate delight.  

Go on a hike with us and you will find me lagging way behind, crouched taking pictures of almost every flower species I can find. 

The flowers in Africa are no exception. They are stunning!  Large and glamorous and vibrantly tropical. 
Absolutely breathtaking!
Yet, in all their splendor, I am reminded of a verse I found in scripture when I was a little girl and memorized probably over 40 years ago.
“The grass withers and the flower fades, 
but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Probably about 10 years old when I memorized it, and being a budding {get it?}  flower lover, I loved that verse!  
I have meditated on it over the years many, many times. 
Because as much as I love flowers and am in awe of their beauty, a flower still only has a number of days they are truly spectacular.  
In fact some flower varieties once they die – it is hard to believe they were ever even anything out of the ordinary at all!
God’s word is always spectacular!
God’s word is constantly alive!
God’s word is vibrant!
In fact…
His word abides forever.  
It is the only thing that lasts. 
The flowers?  
They fade and fall off the stem.
The grass?  
It browns and dies.  
But His word?
It never, ever fades.
It never dries up.
It never gets old.
It never fails.
It never looks any different.
It never, ever changes.
Yes His word is reliable.
It encourages.
It comforts.
It corrects.
It sheds light.
It reminds.
It strengthens.
It bolsters faith.
It is 100% trustworthy.
It brings hope.
Every, single day.
Thank you to all of you who posted comments, 
prayers and scripture verses. 
You have blessed Emmy and I so sweetly.  
May our faithful Father bless each of you a bazillion-fold for loving and encouraging us so.  
{You guys are the very best friends a gal could have.}

6 thoughts on “Glamorous Flowers Still Fade….

  1. Thank you for that beautiful blog post. I only came on to add a verse to the previous post as was pondering yesterday, so will go there and add in minute. Will ponder on you words as I go to church. Praying for you all xxx

  2. Praying for you across the seas. Knowing that God will provide. Praying for safety for all, good health for all, and quick resolution of all the red tape.
    Thank you GOD for having the plan and knowing the big picture (YOU drew the picture!) even when we don't. We praise YOU for YOU are GOD. Amen.

  3. Linny,
    Been thinking about you a lot and praying for you. I know you can't share much about what is going on there in Uganda and I understand. We went through a difficult time in the Ukraine just a couple of months ago. Our time there was a little over a month and I felt so very alone there at times. But prayer is what got me through and scripture. Now that we are home we are going through some other trials and I have felt discouraged. This morning this scripture was on another blog and it was just what I needed to help me through. It helped me during our first adoption in 2004 and today it just really reminded me that as long as we have hope and believe in our Lord we will soar: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, They will sar on wings like eagles, They will run and not grow weary They will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:31. Keep your hope in the only one who will give you the strength to get through this and soon you will be soaring on his wings as he carries you home. God Bless you.
    mom to many treasures.

  4. I love taking photos of flowers as well. Did yesterday outdoors when we were visiting mom for a birthday visit. The care home has wonderful flowers.
    Last week a pastor I heard on tv said the Hebrew version of Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you." In Hebrew it's "I will not never, never leave you nor will I not never,never forsake you." Now that is rock solid, right! Amazing God we serve!

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