Hospital Days….

Lovin’ Ruby….
and lovin’ that the kids can spend bits of time
 with their new baby sister….

Thankful Dw was able to bring me an Americano this morning.  
Oh how we love this precious little gem….

19 thoughts on “Hospital Days….

  1. It is so wonderful to see sweet Ruby with her big brothers and sisters!!! (Is it my imagination or has Ruby grown a good bit since she has been placed with you??? Having a wonderful mama is surely agreeing with her!!!)
    Praying for you all…..

  2. Yes, so much to be thankful for…the little Things like Americanos…little Ones like these beautiful babies everydays blessings we so often take for granted. Thanks for sharing the pictures of all these smiles and all the love.
    Praying in Alabama

  3. looks like she is home.

    looks like she is in good hands.

    looks like she has a mommy and a daddy!

    looks like she has a family!

    i know things haven't gotten too easy yet, but look at what God did!!! (I know you are 🙂 )

  4. Oh my goodness sweetness overload. The bigger kids look like they have grown big over night. I love seeing the joy in their smiles, you are just so blessed. Praying.

  5. what an image you guys are sharing of the love of God for us- brain-damaged as we are, weak and frail and fragile and needing so much surgery- he climbs right into bed with us and snuggles us…holds us in his arms and gazes down with adoration into our faces. you two are blessing the world with your commitment to this little gem, 'the least of these'. i'm encouraged and motivated!

  6. That first photo with Ruby in the wagon is well, there are just no words! She is just priceless and so are all of you! What an absolutely beautiful family you make…praying real hard for Miss Ruby over here and sending you all love!

  7. LOVIN' all the sissies and bubbas surrounding Ruby in a safe and adoring nest. when she awakes she is going to think she is in heaven! no munchkin, its not a dream! We prayed, Jesus heard and HE carried you home, thats how BIG He loves you!

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