Words, Words and More Words

Thank you to all who have been praying….
Graham and I are having a blast.  We have played some, ate a lot, 
dozed off a bit and of course, I have been busy writing and 
writing and writing while he has been working on music.   
Besides the power of prayer, it is indeed amazing what being free 
from all responsibilities can do to allow one to think clearly to write.   
So far I have typed about two and a half chapters.  Of course, I had 
already typed about four so we are somewhere around 
6.5 total chapters, so far.  I have also now typed the “Dedication” page.  
Yippee Jesus! 

The Word Counters on the web are pretty amazing – 
what I’ve typed so far totals out to: 

5, 544 words

That’s a whole lot of words even for a woman.

I was having some trouble saving the documents and
I am so grateful for a techy son who was able to think of
some extra measures to ensure the safety of the
chapters I have written so far.

Graham has been a tremendous blessing to have along for this journey.
Last night we were talking and we started laughing and
we could not stop.  Precious memories.

Thank you to all who have been praying –
I can tell you are.

Please, continue.
You are a huge part of me being able to do what I am doing.


PS One day, when I am able, I will share who I ran into the first day
Graham and I arrived at our destination.
It is a crazy miracle, that *only* God could orchestrate.

2 thoughts on “Words, Words and More Words

  1. Oh I love everything about this. I can just imagine the fun and memories you are making together. God has his hand on both of you and i know he is blessing this creative time together. Can't wait to see the fruit.

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