Nehemiah’s Not-So-Much-Fun Time

On Friday morning, not long after waking, Nehemiah mentioned his stomach
felt gross.   Hmmm.  He didn’t even want to eat.  I stared at him as I laid my
hands on him to pray.   He actually seemed “green around the gils”.   Kind of
made me take note.  

And well, the not wanting to eat thing, that got my attention too!!

An appetite is not something that this handsome young man of ours lacks!!
He threw up a few times throughout the day.

Friday night he slept on the couch as he was just feeling yukky.  I had massaged
some of my YL Essential oils on him through the day and night.  And then
during the night when I checked him I noticed he had a fever.

Saturday morning was our long awaited Hope Kids day at Bumblebee
Ranch.   Bumblebee Ranch happens to be our family’s our all-time favorite
event of the year…so I suggested we take two cars, in case Nehemiah
wanted to leave early as he was still feeling pretty yukky.

Of course, I had been thinking some random 24 hour thing and maybe
if he would just get to Bumblebee Ranch, out in the warm Arizona sunshine
he’d feel so much better.

Or not.

Nehemiah actually sat uncomfortably, not wanting to do anything.  I was
growing concerned.

We decided to head for home and as we walked to the car, he was gingerly
holding his right side.  Dw questioned him, “Does it hurt here?” and pressed a
bit on his right side.  Poor guy! He almost went through the roof!!

Sure enough we ended up in the ER and the CT scan showed his
that his appendix were “BIG”.

Many of you began to pray when I posted what 
was going on on Instagram and on Facebook.  
Thank you all so very much!! 

Not sure why, but the surgery was scheduled for this morning – at 10:30am!!

After wrestling the hospital chair all night, praying and praying for
our son’s appendix to stay intact, at 6:30 am I began advocating for a sooner
surgery time cause that 10:30 thing just wasn’t really flying with this mama.

But my best efforts didn’t work.

Bless their hearts.

And unfortunately or fortunately {whichever way you want to look at it}
I learned  a lot through all that.   Again, bless their pea-pickin’ hearts.

Quite truthfully, some days I find it so dang annoying to be silver-haired
and still learning a lot about dealing with medical things.

Anyway, Nehemiah had surgery.  His appendix were definitely making
a statement!  And we have pictures to prove it!!  {Not kidding.}

Not for the squeamish…

And you can bet this guy, when he gets feeling better
 is gonna’ have some fun
showing his brothers and sisters his 
“trophy” pictures!  
Lord willing, we will head for home tomorrow.

And as bloggy friend Elizabeth P. mentioned on 
Facebook…Yes!!  So very grateful that he waited till
we were back from Africa!  
Faithful God.
Always, always, always faithful.  

6 thoughts on “Nehemiah’s Not-So-Much-Fun Time

  1. Praying for your sweet boy. Ouch!! Thank God you were all home together when it happened. God's timing is amazing. I pray he feels better soon!!

  2. I was thinking of him the other day. Please tell him I said I am sorry he has been so poorly. Get well soon, Nehemiah.
    Love from,
    Sandy in the UK

  3. Glad Nehemiah is ok and will be feeling better soon. Prayers for his healing. Kuddos for hanging in there and doing what you do best for sweet children. Hugs!!

  4. sorry we missed you and Dwight on our recent trip to Phoenix. we were hoping to meet up, but you were in Africa. we almost went riding at Bumblebee, but they were so busy getting ready for Hope kids………. hope all your young 'uns had a great time! (except poor Nehemiah 🙁 ) he'll bounce back in no time!

  5. Praise God!!! Our son had his appendix used at part of his MACE stoma. This was one of my first questions…can he still get appendicitis? They said, "Nope" they've never seen it happen….phew! Praying for a quick recovery for your little man!

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