Author: Linny Saunders

Ruby Update!

Could Use Just a Few More…

His Hand & The Verdict

A Dw Update: 3/3/2023
Dw’s “Medical Event”

All Glam-Glam & Gussied Up
And just like that, two precious little princesses, who once were discarded and left to die, were all glam-glammed and gussied up to be celebrated by their hero-daddy. Presenting the dresses they said “yes” to! (Big sissy went along to lend a hand.) Both Birdie and Ruby were soooo excited to go as evidenced by…

“Yes” to the Dress?
This was just too fun not to share since we have all laughed and laughed at this sweet chica of ours…aka The Wee-Drama Queen! Our homeschool co-op is hosting a Daddy-Daughter Dance this weekend and Dw is taking Ruby and Birdie. So yesterday afternoon Elizabeth and I took the girls dress shopping at a local…

There’s My Trouble…
For those not on FB, Ruby had a massive seizure on Tuesday. She was screaming loudly as the seizure was beginning. She has only screamed twice in her entire life since coming home. Both times were as a seizure was starting. Her screams are so incredibly loud and boy are they ever terrifying! In the…

The Crazy Things He Does
Over the years many have mentioned how their hearts have been encouraged through our Memorial Box stories and the subsequent book I wrote, appropriately named, The Memorial Box. As many know, in the early years of my life my “go to” emotion in response to almost anything was always copious amounts of fear. Like many,…