Anyone Else Need to Hear This?

This past Saturday I woke up feeling quite overwhelmed with finances. There is a large deductible for insurance due to the the flooding, some extensive dental work I need, as well as another substantial bill coming.

I have also been concerned what my electric bill will be with 29 huge fans trying to air out the studs and floors for two weeks, not to mention my water bill when it’s been estimated 7,000 gallons flooded my home before I woke that morning!

In the wee hours, this past Sunday…as I went to turn on the coffee pot I was praying, “Lord, I feel so overwhelmed. And I know that this is fear is rooted in not fully understanding just how perfectly and completely you love and care for me and the kids. This long-ago-memorized verse instantly came to mind:

I John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

I continued making my coffee as I asked the Lord to forgive me for not understanding His perfect love for me and being overwhelmed with fear.

Putting my coffee down beside the couch while watching Ruby on the monitor, I sat down and remembered that the day before my dear friend, Michelle, had sent me a song. I sort of recognized the name, and although very unusual for me to stop and read a text or message as I am about to spend time with the Lord, I felt strongly that I needed to listen to that song right then as I pulled open her messages and began to play it.

Listen to this:

Of all things, this song was actually recorded in a prison!! I had been a slave to a prison of fear for many years and listening, my eyes filled with tears – the Lord was clearly speaking as He ministered to my heart.

I then opened my Bible app. Besides working on a few Bible studies each day, I always read the Bible app Verse of the Day (and the chapter it is found in) because so often it seems to apply perfectly to whatever I am walking through. This particular morning I turned to the verse and opening the chapter, my eyes fell on the very next verse:

“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7

Now my eyes were filled again with tears…the Lord was surely speaking..

I have spent way too much of my life as a slave to fear…but began to be set free back in 1979. Knowing the freedom that the Lord offers each of us from fear for many years now, there is zero chance I want to ever go back to being a prisoner of fear – no thanks!

Right there I praised and thanked the Lord for His goodness in reminding me that I’m no longer a slave to fear (having been set free many years ago) and that I need to stop and give all these concerns, worries and anxieties to Him!

He has my back and He also has YOUR back, friend. He is so astoundingly faithful.

Anyone else feeling overwhelmed with fear at the moment? Worries fill your heart? Focusing on circumstances instead of remembering how the Lord has cared for you in the past?

Ask the Lord to forgive you (as I did) for not trusting Him. Then list your worries, anxieties, fears and hand them over to the Lord. He knows how to take care of every single one of them!

There is no doubt that the enemy loves us to live in fear! Fear robs our peace, paralyzes our faith and fills us with insecurity about our loving God.

Don’t let the enemy of our souls win! Listen to the song a thousand times, if need be. Memorize I Peter 5:7 and meditate on it over and over. And begin to ask the Lord what trinket should be put in your Memorial Box when you see Him answer your prayers! He is waiting to meet you right where you are and victory in Christ is coming!

Come alongside me as, together, we’ve given Him our fears!

Part 2 still coming….


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