Great Test Run

Well as you all know if there is one thing for certain about adoptions, it is that nothing is certain. Linn met with our lawyer and had a great meeting, but the Court date is tomorrow at 11 not today. Ok, sure, we can wait another day……. i might lose my mind, but hey what the heck. Sure all the people who were praying throughout this night would love to be awoken another night. No problem….

We can still use your prayer!

Here’s the quick skinny – i just talked with her but its 3:33 – which is a special time in our household, it’s when Linn woke me up to tell me her water broke for our first time. I guess history might repeat itself, because we sure are in labor again, this time for another 24 hours!

The lawyer wanted to get the passport pictures of the kids, so Linn went and asked permission and they agreed to allow her to do so. So mission accomplished as far as that is concerned. She said Elijah in particular just grasped on for all it was worth. Probably the first time he has been outside the gates of the orphanage. Wow, can you imagine!

Linn, said she is exhausted and aching so pray she can catch some sleep and an early to be tonight. Thanks again, nite nite, this dude is back off to bed. Dw out!

9 thoughts on “Great Test Run

  1. DW you are getting to be a real blogomaniac: But(t) If your phone has a camera in it and Linn asks for it don’t give it up Dude..LOL

    Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!!

  2. “But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” 2 Chronicles 20:17 (NLT)
    love you all…praying all the time!!!!!

  3. Oh my … I cannot wait to see pictures of those sweet babies in your arms Linn!!!! You left a great blogger behind to take control of the keyboard by the way! He even had the common sense to remove his shoes … wow … I think you should marry that guy 🙂 I will be praying for you tonight again as you head into court!!!! Blessings, Lisa C.

  4. Yay, Yay, Yay!!!! I’m so excited reading these posts. I don’t really know what time exactly I should be praying for the favor with the judge so I’ll just keep praying. It seems like maybe 2am tonight? Let us know Dw or Linn or whoever – I’ll set my alarm!!! SO excited for these little ones to have a family, finally!! Glory to God who is faithful!

  5. Oh, I cannot wait to meet these beautiful babies! Thank you, both of you, for being such an inspiration. And don’w worry Dw, you’re doing great! We will continue to pray them HOME (oh man, crying at work…)!

  6. I can hardly stand it, I wish I was there with you, but I know I wouldn’t leave without one for myself! I’m praying, and can’t wait to see pictures. Come on already, quit sleeping! Keep the blogs coming…they’re great. I may actually KNOW how to post by the time you’re ready to come home!

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