When Friends Love….

Oh how I’ve missed you guys!! Being a writer I seriously think of things I want to share with you every single day – in fact – usually multiple times a day…but so far we’ve driven something more than 3,000 miles and writing wasn’t really possible. Actually many of you probably saw on Facebook that we were on a very special “trip with a mission” and now that “the mission” has been accomplished, we have settled at the home place for a bit.  Thank you to all of you for your kind words about “the mission”.  We are humbled by the support and prayers.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Actually we really, really, really love our road trips!!  The kids start talking about heading to New York usually in about February.  They love the adventure and as we travel we play crazy games, we sing (loud!), I read aloud from a YWAM biography and we laugh a lot.  This time we are reading about Mildred Cable’s life. It’s incredible! Emma sent me the book as it is one of her favorites.

On a side note:  If you haven’t read any of the YWAM books, you are truly missing out.  Not kidding.  Just slide over to the right sidebar and click on The Reader’s Corner and instantly be linked to a wealth of God-inspired goodness that will take you on adventures of the wildest kind!  If you aren’t sure which book to start with we’d suggest George Mueller (George’s life will forever change yours!), Brother Andrew (Brother Andrew’s book changed our lives in a most dramatic way), Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward and Mildred Cable. There is nothing boring about these biographies!!  They are seriously unbelievable!  If you use the link on the sidebar, YWAM will donate 10% of the sale to The Gem Foundation!  How stinkin’ cool is that??  Win/win in every single way!

One of the many joys of traveling the country is spending time with dear friends.  Friends that love our sweet pile and joyfully welcome us – even when we “land with a thud” – cause face it, our family traveling is a thud all it’s own – add to it two wheelchairs well it’s kinda’ impossible to “sneak in” unnoticed!

I captured some beautiful pictures as we hung out with precious friends in Texas, Georgia and Virginia.  The friends that just make our hearts smile.

Like Kevin and Michelle…



As the mom to several special need treasures there is nothing quite as wonderful as watching other’s enjoy, celebrate and engage our precious ones.


Then there’s Gus and Beth…who have a bunch of wonderful kids and the cutest puppy ever!



The boss-lady (Miss Birdie-Bee) led Grace everywhere while the others played games…  5b126479a7


And then there’s Jerry and Ann Marie…they were attending the first church we ever pastored way back in 1992.  God has been so good to both our families and we’ve been sweet friends since way back then.

The other night we were at their church speaking and after the service their son Jack questioned,  “Can John ride home with me?”  The parking lot is gravel and his wheelchair doesn’t do gravel….but no problem!  Jack instantly scooped him up and carried him off to his car…Johnny-boy laughing the whole way.fcfded3b36




It was a first for Johnny – riding with a friend (and in a hot sports car no less!) and I’m pretty sure he will remember it for forever!

Our friends love and their kids love and that is indeed the most beautiful thing to this mama’s heart! IMG_8171


2 thoughts on “When Friends Love….

  1. Thank you for sharing your great adventures. Loved Loved that Johnny was able to just be cool 😎 hanging with a friend, cruising around town.

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