Jubilee’s Miracle

Two years ago Elizabeth went to Uganda with me. Emma was due with their first bio baby and we went to help. Since that trip I have been promising Jubilee that it would be her turn next.

On Christmas we found out that Josh and Emma were again due – this time on July 8th. It was finally Jubilee’s turn!! When I actually showed her that I had purchased tickets for us, she was in rare form. Even friends who came over commented on how rowdy she was – this sweet chica of ours was exuberant and giggly with joy – it was going to be her turn to GO!

Of course we applied for her passport with ample time but after waiting months the passport people called to say they needed her Certificate of Citizenship. The woman who originally took all her passport paperwork hadn’t said they needed it although I had it with me and I didn’t even think to ask. When they called from the passport office, it was obvious that it was now cutting it close. I overnighted the C of C but the carrier did not get it to them overnight. Love when you pay for a service and they drop the ball.

A few days passed and although it eventually showed that they signed for the envelope, the status did not change on the tracking passport website. I decided to call the passport office and believe it or not, I was on hold for 3 hours and 42 minutes. At the end of the call I knew nothing more than I did before waiting 3 hours and 42 minutes to talk to them. The C of C was still not showing on their internal system. At all.

Our family was praying earnestly and yet we knew there was not a thing we could do except pray and trust that God would work. Every few hours I would check the Passport site – it was annoying – it still didn’t even show that they had the paperwork that was signed for a week earlier. And now we were three days from departure.

Although there were zero appointments available we knew we had to load up and head to Tucson to the Western Passport office where we could plead our case in person. The only day possible was the day before we were to leave.

We had to leave early in the AM and when Jubilee came downstairs to leave, she had on a shirt that precious friends gave us from their ministry. I literally laughed and almost fell over when I saw it. Why? Two fold. First, Jubilee has two favorite shirts that she loves and she goes back and forth between them daily. (And yes, she owns many more, but it’s the two that she likes that she insists on wearing.) Second, she had not worn this shirt in probably a year and that was only because we were all wearing them and told her she had to as well. So when I saw her pink shirt, I knew. The Lord was clearly encouraging my faith as it read:

“No worries. I’ve Got This! – God.”

When we got to the passport office the kind guard let us in without any begging (ha!) and we were able to plead our case with the man at the window. This man was so very helpful and by God’s grace assured us it would be ready while we waited. Before long we had her passport and were back in record time.

Such a simple story of God’s faithfulness. Yes, it was down to the wire as we left in less than 24 hours, but isn’t that just like the Lord? Allowing us to trust Him to the “last second”!!

Here’s the reality…God was working on Jubilee’s behalf. He loves us each so very much. Nothing escapes Him. Nothing is too difficult for Him. It didn’t matter that months had passed, that the woman had forgotten to ask for the C of C, that Fed Ex didn’t get the package there overnight, that the paperwork wasn’t showing up in the system, that we couldn’t get an appointment – none of it mattered. Our miraculous God was paving the way. He is our miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God.

Dear friend, what are you worrying about? No matter how circumstances look, “He’s got it”. Just give it to Him. Personally, I have been carrying some heavy things…I, too, have to give it all to Him. We have to intentionally trust Him to carry us in it and through it.

And by the way, Jubilee loved Uganda She was a trooper flying, in the airports and at every part of the trip. She LOVED the Gems and they LOVED her! I was blown away how comfortable she was serving there. She, of course, loved playing with Emma and Josh’s treasures and especially loved holding her newest niece (our 17th grand!) – born on the 4th of July!

One thought on “Jubilee’s Miracle

  1. Oh I just love that she wore that “ No Worries. I got this!!! -God” shirt. Such a sweet reminder to me again of His faithfulness tonight. So awesome that she was in Uganda with you and the gems ♥️ and 17 grands now! Wow~ what blessings!!! I must say I’ve missed the memorial box stories and I am so happy reading this tonight. We all need to remember He’s got it! He is faithful 🙂

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