Twenty-three years ago today, the Lord brought a precious treasure into the world. She would arrive on the first day of Autumn for 1989…and surprise, surprise, the Lord already had prompted us to name her Autumn…how cool is that?
She would arrive in the ambulance as her birth mom was headed to the hospital – clearly reminding all who would know her that she was not about to do things the “normal” way.
Her birth mom had met us a few months before and would graciously hand her, three days after her birth, into our arms forever. We would dance with this little bundle in our arms for months singing over and over and over, “You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you….Ohhhh Autumny, we really love you, oh yes, we do….”
Autumn’s 2nd birthday
Daddy had closed his law practice and
we had moved to the East Coast for him to attend seminary….
In a dozen treasures {so far} she would be the only blue-eyed of the bunch.
Who knew?
Her life would have many twists and turns, many difficult patches, painful loss, horrific health issues, but in the midst of the struggles she would meet and one day marry the man of her dreams, a miracle-man, spared by God…
And so today, as we celebrate our Autumn Elizabeth’s birthday, her big sister Abi, who has is a world class photographer, put together a wedding slideshow…and I betcha there are enough wedding lovers out there, who will want to view the pictures…
Be warned, it’s beyond beautiful….and for you who know the Autumn and Karl story, and prayed for Karl to not just live, but to wake out of his coma and then to be healed during his months of rehabilitation, you will rejoice with us…cause it was the miracle-wedding-of-our-lifetime…
Here’s the link: Autumn and Karl
And if you feel like wishing the birthday-girl a happy day, you are more than welcome to, she’s a party kind of girl…and would really love it, no doubt….
Happy Birthday Autumn!!! Love Love Love the wedding slide show. Wishing you peace, love and happiness.
Just a blog reader….Sunnie
Happy Birthday Autumn! Wishing you great joy in the year ahead!
Beautiful slide show! Made me cry because I have witnessed a miracle! Happy Birthday Autumn! I am so very glad placed you in your family for such a time as this! Janet
Every single time I read something about you Autumn I just cry. You have the most amazing story and your life speaks volumes about the heart of God. Your story exudes Jesus!! I could not be more joy-filled than I am for you and Karl.
Autumn, Happy Happy Birthday!!! I pray that God continues to bless you in ABUNDANT ways.
WOW Awesome pictures/video that was almost as good as being there!! Congrats!
Love the pictures! They are beautiful!!
Happy Birthday Autumn! You and your hubby have a fantastic life ahead!
What a beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday, Autumn!
Beautiful! Such a moving slideshow! Happy birthday to Autumn!
OK, WOW – that was a tear-jerker. Thank you Abi for sharing 🙂
Happy Birthday Autumn! You were a beautiful, beautiful bride and those pictures are PHENOMENAL!
Praise the Lord!
Happy Birthday Autumn!! And all I can say about the slide show is, anyone have a tissue? Truly a beautiful miracle!
It absolutely is beyond beautiful. Happy Birthday to your wonderful girl.
Autumn is my favorite time of year and no wonder God brought you into the world to usher in this season!! You are colorful and beautiful and our hearts can't help but love you and Karl both!! The happiest of birthdays to you!
Happy birthday, Autumn! Thanks for sharing your beautiful wedding pictures! God is great! Your wedding pictures and happiness remind us that our Heavenly Father has amazing plans for ALL of us!
Happy Birthday Autumn!
I was sobbing about half way through the slide show…just remembering last year and what an emotional ordeal it was for everyone. What a beautiful day! God is so very good to us!
Happy Birthday Autumn!!!! I hope all your days are bright and sunshiney with Jesus right there beside you.
Happy Birthday Autumn….And cried through the whole slideshow of you and your
miracle man….God is So Faithful….
Love from NC
Loved it! How beautiful!!!!
Happy birthday, Autumn!
Happy birthday to your Autumn girl! Oh wow, beautiful slide show. Brought me to tears thinking if satan would of had his way, this wedding would have never happened. Our God is amazing!!!
What is the name of the song playing in the slide show?
Beautiful pictures! Happy birthday to your blue-eyed beauty!
Happy Birthday, Autumn 🙂 beautiful pictures of special memories on your wedding day 🙂
What beautiful photos! I saw my sister in them too!
I hope you've had a blessed and memorable birthday, Autumn! God's best to you in your coming year!
Oh my gracious. I have been crying throughout the whole thing. I think im going to go watch it again. Thank you so much for sharing! Happy Birthday, Autumn!
Wow!!! Those pictures are absolutely beautiful! The Love they have for each other is so obvious in their smiles! I love it! Happy Happy Birthday Autumn! What a precious gift you are to your family!
Happy Birthday Autumn!!!
Happy Birthday Autumn. Thought you would like to know that before the accident God had been putting on my heart to pray for you and it was every day. So glad he trusted me with that. Beautiful blessings to you and Karl.
Just Beautiful!!
This is the start of something NEW! Step boldly into the next chapter of your lives! The Lord has brought the two of you through some extrodinary stuff. He obviously has amazing things for you to do!
Have a fabulous birthday!! Sheri
Happy Birthday Autumn! You are absolutely gorgeous! I'm praising God for the amazing story He is writing in your life.
Happy Birthday, Autumn!! Thanks for allowing us to see the beautiful pictures of your beautiful wedding day! (:
Oh My Gosh… I cried the whole time!!!!
Happy Happy birthday from NE!!! :o)
Just so lovely. A wonderful, joy-filled day to be sure! Congraulations and Happy Birthday, miss Autumn!
So beautiful and moving, thank you! Happy Autumn birthday, Autumn!
Tears in my eyes after watching that beautiful video!! So thankful to be married to my very own miracle man!
Happy, Happy Birthday Autumn!!! Wishing you many more years with many blessings to come!
Happy Birthday Autumn! The pictures were beautiful! Thank you!
I love that you and Karl were able to take communion that is so awesome! DH and I wanted to do that but our pastor was afraid it would offend the other church members… oh baptists, gotta love them.
My comment should of read: Beautiful slide show, Made me cry because I have witnessed a miracle! Happy Birthday Autumn! I am so glad God placed you in your family for such a time as this! Janet
Too beautiful for words!! What a mighty God we serve!!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing the slide show.
Happy birthday, Autumn!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing the slide show.
Happy birthday, Autumn!
Happy, happy birthday beautiful Autumn! We loved seeing your wedding pictures, we had followed Karl's miracle story and prayed for you both, and it is so special seeing you two beginning your lives together.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful day with us. We love your wonderful family. Deb and Mark Sorensen
Happy, happy birthday beautiful Autumn! We loved seeing your wonderful wedding pictures and celebrated with you from here in Az. We had been following Karl's miracle story and praying for you both. It was special seeing the photos of Karl's angels attending your wedding and remembering the journey. Many bright blessings to you both as you begin your married life together. Deb and Mark Sorensen
Late to the party – but happy belated birthday Autumny!
We prayed for you before we ever "met" your Karl. Then prayed for him and now it is just amazing to see how God has worked this all… for your good.
Much love to you! Such utterly beautiful wedding pictures!
Beautiful! Love the one of you and DW during the ceremony Linny.