I realized I forgot to post one of my most favoritest photos from Autumn and Karl’s wedding…
the picture of the ones at the accident scene.
If you haven’t read the miracle story, this picture won’t be as significant, but if you walked the traumatic road of Karl’s accident with us, you will remember
{from left to right}
Stuart: one of our most precious personal friends and neurologist from Phoenix. Stuart had driven for ONE night to hang out with us {or at least that was his plan, but God’s plan was way, way, way bigger}. Stuart would be the only neurologist in all of Durango at the time. Because of Stuart’s presence and expertise, the trauma surgeon {from the neck down} allowed Stuart in to read the CT scan. Stuart strongly advocated that Karl had to go to a closer brain trauma unit or there was no doubt, Karl would die.
Mike: an anesthesiologist from Texas, who “happened” {by God’s infinite plan} to be driving that rural road in Colorado at 9:40am on that Sunday morning with his wife, Sarah and friends…vacationing… At the wedding, Mike said something sooo profound. He said, “The Lord just had us each do what we were trained to do. Nothing more. I have kept airways open over 40,000 times in my medical profession….that’s all I did. I held Karl’s airway open.”
I fought tears as I hugged Mike and his precious wife Sarah. They had flown in to be at the wedding! How’s that for amazing new friends? Drawn together by a tragedy turned miracle!
Liz: {now very pregnant and a bridesmaid in the wedding} – the ER nurse on her way to her only shift in Durango for the entire month of July who was second on the scene…Liz was the one who recognized Karl’s tattoo and was able to call Vicky, Karl’s mom, who called Autumn, who called me, who called Stuart…getting Stuart to the ER in time to lend his neurologist expertise while the critical decision was made as to where to send the unconscious Karl….
Each of these people could have chosen to do something else…ignore the accident, move along, but each gave their expertise and time and we will forever thank the Lord for His gracious provision that 17th day of July, 2011.
Three very non-assuming people.
None seeking their own glory.
All long ago dedicated their lives to serving others.
And yes, God knew what their servant’s heart response would be when He miraculously positioned them on that rural road….
Faithful God.
Always, always, always faithful.
I knew you guys would want to see their picture together. I cry each time I look at it.
Such selfless people.
Grateful for each one of them.
They are our heroes!!
Now that gave me goosebumps!
Karl's story would make a great movie – only trouble would be that modern Hollywood would NOT want any glory going to the Lord…but at our best, if we tried to converge the medical experts from an hour away, from Texas and from Phoenix on that day, we would have not been able…ONLY GOD. Thanks for sharing our joy!
A Christian film company (maybe the one that made Fireproof) would most definitely give the Glory to God. A movie would be amazing. And for people to know it was based on a true story makes it all the more powerful!
It gave me goosebumps reading this as well and I have been following the story since the beginning.
Such an awesome story. God is amazing!
My sweet friend, it is indeed awesome…and for my 53 years, Karl's miraculous story goes down as the miracle of the century, because all God had to orchestrate to not just spare his life, but to heal it to the point of one year, one month and one day later marrying our blue-eyed princess – He is just sooo faithful! And the verse He kept stirring in my heart before it all happened? Zeph 3:17…HE is mighty to save…I wish the world would listen, cause I would tell the story for ALL to hear…no one gets any credit, only our miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God..He alone is worthy!
Love this. So fun to see the faces of those who were His hands and feet (and brains!) that day! Whoa. Amazing. What a conductor, He is! Miracle Working, MOUNTAIN Moving! Woo Hoo!
Isn't it so wonderful to see them together?
covered in goosebumps…again!
So I guess we could say that goosebumps have been flowing freely! haha
thanking the Lord for His goodness, kindness and providence 🙂 🙂
Thank you Susan!
Heros indeed! Love, love, LOVE this story… it began so tragically, but GOD! It ended PERFECTLY… glory to God.
Autumn and Karl look absolutely blissful together 🙂
So well put, my friend, it began so tragically, but GOD…it ended PERFECTLY…glory to God! And the blissful look? Not staged or faked, they are smitten with each other…thank you Jesus
Only God. 🙂 Seriously. If anyone doubts that He is in all the details (big, little and every single one in between) they need to read this story. I needed this reminder tonight. I trust completely that He's here, and someday I hope I can look back and see exactly where He was in all the details of the past month and half in my life. Thank you for sharing this.
That's why I'd like to tell the world about Karl…and yes, my sweet friend, He is in your story…I just hate that it doesn't end like this one…and the thought makes me seriously want to throw up for your heartache. I know He IS trustworthy…but I will never confess to know His ways…I am so sorry for your Noah. So painfully grieved. May God continue to comfort you in ways you never expected.
So amazing story! The Lord is so good!
Love the wedding pics! Such a miracle. Speaking of Karl, I have thought about his story so much lately. 3 weeks ago a young man (kyle) a senior in highschool here in Zeeland Mi was in a horrific accident, he had a lot of trama to his brain and they are now in the waiting stage for him to "wake up". God has already shown himself mighty, just that he is still alive is an absolute miracle. Could you pass along his name to the Knee Team and Pray for Kyle? We need another miracle!
I sent to the request to the Knee Team…and have begun to pray for Kyle…will you please keep the Knee Team updated? We take our praying seriously and love to hear updates! TheKneeTeam@gmail.com
Every time I read this story, I just start bawling! It's so beautiful and so real, and so how miracles truly are. My own brother has had an amazing head trauma story since this time and he is still, praises be…alive and functioning..after two months plus in a coma and three medvac's from Alaska to Washington to Oregon. I have been by his side in all three places using God's grace to pull him through and I have this blog and Karl's story for the gift of knowing that even the absolute 'no hopes' that others might see are only 'pure miracles of grace' for me and those I love. Thank you, Karl and Autumn and all of your families for the story of love expressed through divine grace and blessings. Congratulations all this full circle union in so many ways!
Michele, I am so glad there are others who start bawling when they hear of Karl again. {I'm not alone!} I am sorry for your brothers head trauma…thankful he is alive..and we will pray for his continued healing. If you want to share the request with the Knee Team, please do! The address is: TheKneeTeam@gmail.com It's open to those who want to pray for requests which we get daily….just send an email to TheKneeTeam@gmail.com and tell us about yourself {anyone reading this} and we will add you to the list…I think there are about 150 people who pray around the world for the requests sent. It's an amazing group of folks….
God is so good! What a beautiful picture!!!
Soooo good!
I got tears in my eyes just looking at the picture. As I read the post, they really started coming. Praise God for all He has done and continues to do! I can't wait to see what He does in the future through Mr. and Mrs. Hujus.
I have to confess that it is comforting to know that other's eyes fill with tears when they look at that picture. It is so moving, isn't it?
Thank you for sharing such a touching, tear filled story. Amazing how this love story turned out. Awesome how God works in our lives. So glad these special people were able to be at the wedding to celebrate life, in more ways than one! Hugs to you, Linny!
I believe their are angles among us! The picture is so beautiful! Thank You Jesus for saving Karl and placing people in the mist of the tragedy! Janet