There have been so many beautiful things happening in our lives of late. God’s faithfulness displayed again and again. I actually just want to revel in the joy of our Thanksgiving week…wishing to relive it over and over…ugh. Life rushes on, whether we want it to or not.
Anyway, it’s been awhile since I have shared a Memorial Box story. Many reasons, but we definitely have some-in-the-making-stories, that, Lord willing, I will be able to share one of these days…but for now, here is a simple story…meant to remind us all….that He is {1} always faithful, {2} always involved in our lives and {3} it doesn’t matter how small the whisper – He hears and He cares!
I have been told by bloggy friends, whom I’ve had the privilege of meeting, that they often feel that their stories pale in comparison with the Memorial Box stories that I’ve shared. I have always assured them that their stories are just as magnificent – because God is the God of the spectacular but they have either forgotten them or have failed to note that they are, indeed, Memorial Box stories.
So here’s a story, that will, Lord willing, jog your memory so that you, too, can remember how much God loves to provide ‘above and beyond all we could think or ask’.
Back before Autumn’s wedding, we were wondering what we would take Ruby down the aisle in. At first we reasoned a wagon might be best – as it would be on kind of rough terrain beside Williams Lake. But they we realized that if we brought one from home, there would not be any room for it in the car – and how in the world would we prop Ruby enough to endure the bumpy ride to the altar?
We finally decided that a stroller would be best. However, as I thought about it, again, I wondered how we would ever bring our stroller along? Our van had only enough seats for all of us and Autumn’s bridesmaid Molly, who had flown in to ride with us to Pagosa Springs. Not to mention a week of ‘stuff’ and all the wedding clothing. There was no-way-no-how that a stroller would fit as well.
So I began to pray, “Lord would you provide a stroller in Pagosa Springs for the wedding?” I asked Autumn to ask some of her friends. There seemed that no one had a stroller around.
We arrived in Pagosa Springs and still did not know where we were going to find a stroller. The day before the wedding I mentioned it to Vicki. She made a quick phone call and said, “I have a friend who can loan you her stroller.” Whew! That was really close, Lord!
Now the thing that I didn’t mention to anyone, well, except for the Lord was this: “Would you be so gracious as to have the stroller be something that doesn’t clash with Ruby’s dress? I know it could sound silly, but I know you care about the itsy-bitsy things that are concerning to me too…so would you please?”
Somehow many think that they can only bring “the big stuff” to God to answer. No sweet friends, He says that He wants us “to cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us.” And yes, I cared about the color of the stroller.
Although I love the color orange, I just couldn’t see Ruby looking all sweet and girly in an orange stroller, right? Or an Army camo stroller? And although a black or brown stroller would be great – well her beautiful face would just get lost – ya’ know what I mean?
So imagine my squealing, giggling and ‘Yippee Jesus”ing”‘ when the borrowed stroller arrived –
Because what was it that was Autumn’s accent color?
You got it!
Hot pink.
Only faithful God.
He hears.
He cares.
He works behind the scenes on our behalf long
before we even whisper our cares to Him and then,
in His all-magnificent way –
and then….
He answers.
Even the color of a borrowed stroller.
“Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”
I Peter 5:7
This one brought tears to my eyes! He loves us so much!!! I love His touch in the little things!
Justine – YOU are such a blessing – I am so thankful that a hot pink stroller ministered to you as well. xo
What a wonderful story! Are you doing a link-up this week?
Oh dear. I just read the comments. Abigail – I actually have to figure out what to do. Last week when I had the Thanksgiving link up, believe it or not, someone intentionally linked a pornography web site…but titled it "Asian Treasures". I almost threw up when I saw it. I stayed up into the middle of the night to make sure they did not link again.
My heart was so grieved.
There is no doubt that it was someone who would think that "Asian Treasures" would 'flow' with APCS…and probably guessed I wouldn't check out the sites quickly – however the Lord had prompted me to check it out as soon as most linked…{faithful God}
I am certain, as I prayed, that the Lord showed me WHO it was who did such an evil thing. He LOVES to whisper…and that He did. So I am praying for this person's heart. Please pray with me for them as well – that God's love would penetrate all the anger and meanness. And please pray that I have wisdom on how to do a link up without again, having such evil linked up.
I have been praying and will continue to pray, for the person, as well as wisdom for you. I will also make sure to link up my story, if that becomes a possiblity in the future.
Love it! Yay God!
Amen and Amen! God is good all the time and I love Memorial Box Monday for reminding us of God's hand in our lives. He's always there…the question is are we always looking for Him.
Keep up the God work.
This is a great post to share Linny…God is in the details of our lives, isn't He. And of course I love love the hot pink 🙂
I knew you would!! My hot-pink loving friend!
What a joy to serve such a loving, personal God as He! Thanks for the sweet reminder to include Him in the smallest of details… Nothing beats His special gifts! May the floodgates of heaven open and pour many, many more beautiful gifts upon you! Blessings today! Lori McCary
Yeah! How beautiful!
God does work it all out in the end. Some how he manages to change my "Don't wants" to my "How in the world could I have wanted anything else?!" when his plan is different from mine!
How absolutely precious! Only Jesus…
Beautiful! The Lord is so good!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this!! It's been a rough day – I had a few job possibilities, but just received rejections for both. I was just sitting here wondering if I'm hearing the call to adopt correctly, and if God is going to provide the right job so I can get things started. And then I saw your post! Thank you for reminding me that He is working on my behalf, and that He hears my cries and cares. So thankful that He prompted me to check in on your blog at just the right moment.
Oh Erin, I am so sorry for the job situation you find yourself in…all I can think is this: God plan is ALWAYS good. No.matter.what. So if they were not the job for you – then He has something BETTER – more suited…better pay, something! I will be praying specifically for your job, and please would you let me know when He provides it!! Email me at: I will be praying until I hear…as often as He brings you to mind, and crazy as it might sound, He brings many bloggy friends to mind over the days and nights…Love to you!
Oh Linny, I got tears in my eyes when I saw your sweet Ruby in that hot pink stroller! It matched the flowers in the bouquets just perfectly! Thanks for sharing.
Amy P.
Amy, I am thankful that Ruby's stroller ministered so sweetly to you. Have I ever told you that every.single.time. I see your "Boy oh Boy oh Boy!" blogger comment name come up on my comments I smile? Truly. There is something about your name that makes me smile. So thank you for the smile today. xo
I don't think I have ever seen a stroller that pink. What a perfectly amazing match!
Amy!! That's EXACTLY what I thought…I have NEVER, EVER seen such a hot pink stroller…I wouldn't even know to pray for one…I just wanted something that would compliment her sweet little dress…and look what God did….it just makes me giggle…He is sooo creative and faithful and full of surprises!
Wow, that's just so amazing, I have tears here… Only God!
Let you know that Chuck and I married! 🙂 and I am waiting for your next MBM link-up so I can share our testimony and all the wedding pictures 😀