One Little Street Boy

I wrote a post about a street boy and posted it to the
  International Voice of the Orphan blog,
but I would be remiss not to mention it here.

The story of one boy,
a team of people from different ministries,
all working together to minister to one precious little boy.

You can find his story here.

Because quite honestly friends, 

this little boy matters to God…

and he really must matter to us.

His story reminds me of this verse:

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, 
whatever you did for one of the least 
of these brothers and sisters of mine, 
you did for me.'”  
Matthew 25:40 niv

2 thoughts on “One Little Street Boy

  1. I'm so happy to read this and get an update! I'm so glad that his family is being searched for and that he will have a place to go if they can't be found. It was breaking my heart to think he might have to head back to the streets. Sweet boy. I'm so glad Lynne was there and willing to love him and help him. I will never forget him or any of the treasured children we met on the trip. I just went through my pictures and all the stories are so fresh in my mind. I just wish there could be a Lynne for every one of them. Its so hard to know that there's not.

  2. How wonderful that this little guy encountered the right people.
    I just got home from an evening of cutting fabric at a shoe party. It's an organization the makes shoes for kids in Uganda. It was fun, but sometimes I wish I could actually be in Uganda.

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