Although we live in the desert,
we are definitely not exempt from a few ferocious storms…
Usually I get a storm warning on my cell phone.
Some storms I get several.
Last night I didn’t even get one.
But suddenly, around 10:00pm the wind kicked up
like nothing we have seen in a long, long time.
I was talking with Emma in Uganda…
as some of the kids woke and moved downstairs.
We prayed as we watched our tent by the pool that
has huge stakes staking it into the ground lift up on three legs,
pleading with the Lord to keep it from disappearing
into the sky.
We held our breath as the winds went up to 60 mph
and the rain and lightening came like psycho.
I stayed up cleaning and praying
{for my treasures and a few of you}
till 3 am
and it was still raining
when I finally crawled into bed.
This morning Liberty mentioned that Daddy had thought something
of the neighbors had landed in our pool.
I had not heard him say anything about any of that
but she went out to look.
Her face looked horrified as she returned to the family room.
“Our grill is in the pool.”
I thought she was being funny.
Ummmm no.
She was not being funny.
She was completely serious.
Exactly how does a large family grill
with a full tank of propane
move across the yard
and into the pool?
{You tell me.}
We’re taking
“Come on over for a Poolside Barbecue to a
whole new level.”
Wanna come help us dive for our grill?
{Apparently diving for pennies is like so yesterday.}
awe man….. you guys in the east valley always get all the good weather 😉 we got "some" wind and the sky lit up like fireworks above us, then a few drops of rain came in but after that…..nahdah, zilch, zippo. booooo. BUT I will say that I spoke to the storm and told it that it was welcome to bring the beauty but it was not allowed to bring destruction to our home or property…. so in my sadness that we did not get much rain and thunder (my favorite), I am glad nothing crazy happened. Im so glad you all made it thru safely!!!!!! Many blessings on you and your family.
The Lord completely held there, although THREE of the four legs were out of the stakes in the ground and up in the air. I didn't look, but the kids were watching it…I was thanking the Lord for keeping it in place. We need the tent so I can hold Ruby and watch the kids in the pool…someone's window screen landed in our yard….only one other two story on our block and it wasn't theres…so who knows where the screen used to live??
Oh my!!! I can't help but chuckle. You make any "bad" situation just seem kinda every day and funny. Hopefully not too much damage.
amy in ga
Awwww, life's too short to complain or be upset…I have giggled all day about it….and seriously, Liberty's face was priceless. Who expects to find the grill in the pool????? Seriously funny.
Oh no!!
The kids were all in bed when the storm hit us here, so Mike and I went outside to watch the lightning light up the hillside – gorgeous! We went back inside when the wind became too much to stand out in – thankfully, we just lost a few chairs to the other side of the yard… but we'll just go out and get them later. 😉
The storm was too ferocious to go out and watch it…we opened our front door for about 30 seconds…but it was crazy…so we shut it. We need to play soon!!
I'm sorry, but after the particularly rough day, week, month that I have had, I found this delightfully amusing. I needed a really good laugh. It reminds me of a storm that we had in Fl one day that sent my dad's truck bed cover or whatever that thing is called into their pond. He never did get it out, but the fish liked hiding around it lol. Sorry that your grill is in your pool though. That really would make bbqing quite difficult!
I'm glad our grill could provide some comic relief!!! That's why I wrote it like I did. It *was* incredibly crazy and funny…and I have giggled about it all day. Can you imagine if we had not been around and I said, "Hey Liberty, go put this chicken on the grill!?" Ummmm, like where'd the grill go? Too fun!
Good grief! This weather is sooooooo strange this year! Hotter in New Jersey than Death Valley? Tornado/ hurricane like winds in Phoenix? Maybe that is more common than I realize, but I am thinking snow for you guys soon 🙂
End times or what?? And remember "snow" is a four-letter word in my mind…bite your tongue friend, bite your tongue! haha. Love you!
That's so funny, you got me giggling here 🙂
Glad we could provide some giggles!
I'd say that is like diving for a whole lot of pennies! That is terrible! I don't think you could exactly google that to see if it will be ok. I really, really hope it is not a loss.
We haven't googled it at all…but we should try anyway…right now it is "drying"…
Oh my word! That's crazy. How will you get it out of there?
Believe it or not, Graham and Liberty lifted it out. Dw can't because of his recent surgery…no pool or lifting for him…Savannah and I went to put our swimsuits on…but literally Graham and Liberty were first out there and lifted it out without any other help. I was shocked…against the water pressure and it's not exactly little or light…totally the Lord's grace that they could.
Oh. My. Goodness. That is the craziest thing I've seen in ages!
You ought to send that in to your newspaper…or some contest…or the company.
That story/picture is a landmine of possible crazy opportunities (I can't come up with a better word than that!)
If you can get it out and it still works once it's dry, the company should use it for advertising for the resiliency of their grills. And compensate you for your story and picture with a new one or something. Hee, hee.
Whatever happened with your pool canopy/tent thing?
Glad you guys were all ok!
And you should throw some pennies in and everyone can dive for treasure – the grill looks a bit like a odd shaped treasure chest 😀
I *LOVE* the idea of submitting it…totally gonna'. SEriously, love it. As for the pool canopy/tent thingy…the Lord held it in place, despite THREE of the four legs were up in the air {stakes lifted right out of the ground they had been pounded into!} God was gracious. It's a necessity, since we have Ruby and I have to sit with her as the kids swim for hours…Will try to let you know what happens with submitting…
Oh my word! We have had similar experiences – but never our grill! Might as well laugh – true?!? Love you guys!
It moved across the yard, with a full tank of propane. Seriously full. It's big. It was crazy!
Our Father has a sense of humor. 😀
The mermaids wanted to bbq so thought they'd use it since you weren't using it. Glad you are ok. Storms can be scary. By the way, my daughter, Megan, got a part time job last week. Not grest pay, but it's a job and we are praising God for that. She's been out of work for awhile. I think I asked for prayers on her behalf. Thanks!