The other day a sweet friend posted this video on my Facebook wall.
Given Ruby’s story, she thought I would enjoy it.
It was just too good to not to share.
The joy that this treasure brings is beyond measure.
His life has worth.
He has value.
And anyone who meets him,
no doubt,
is richer because of it.
My kids have watched this video with me. They wanted to watch it again {and again and again….}.
Oh this was good!
Have you seen this one:
Incredible! That is the kind of teacher I want to be.
Amazing child. This is a wonderful video. The three things I think it shows so clearly that I hope people get from it. Is God is good and we need to live for Him in all we do. Just like the dad in this. Secondly that these children that are so special are great kids with so much potential and value. And thirdly….Something that came as a complete gift to us when we started adopting children with special needs…The daily miracles and blessings that caring for these children bring. Above and beyond the norm. God loves these kids so much and blesses those that care for them abundantly because all we do for and to them is like we are doing it for Christ Himself. Very moving and powerful video. Thanks for sharing! Blessings!
Wow. that was amazing. i can't stop crying!! love you!!