To be perfectly honest, it is hard to type through the ever-brimming tears in my eyes!!
Tears of joy!
Tears of relief!
Tears of completion!
Each of us have moments in our lives that are forever
locked in our memories as monumental!
Today is one for our family!!
It was about fourteen and a half years ago,
when Emma was about this age….
that while tucking our sweet {instigator-at-heart} little treasure in for the
night that I first heard her pray a prayer that went
something like this,
“Jesus, please let me be the one that you pick to
go to Africa to take care of the orphans….”
I would never forget where I was standing, nor would I ever forget
the feeling that flooded my soul at that moment.
I knew it was a God-inspired prayer, because although we had read about missionaries
for years, prayed for missionaries for forever and had been huge adoption advocates,
the prayer came completely out of the blue!
From then on, Emma was focused and
her prayer remained steadfast.
Not once did she sway,
even when there were reasons
she could have.
Over and over and over and over throughout the years Emma would talk of
“someday when I have my orphanage….” and it was on her
8th birthday that while Dw was recording her we asked,
“Emma, what do you want to do someday?”
I remember distinctly, as if it was yesterday, thinking,
“This way, someday when she is a missionary to the orphans of Africa,
we will have it recorded that it has been on her heart for a long, long time.”
When Emma moved to Africa 18 months ago {and hasn’t been home for a visit since}
we played the video for those who gathered to celebrate her move and pray over her
as she went.
I have long said that I felt that God had her pray that prayer 14-1/2 years ago to prepare
her daddy, siblings and I.
And today, the dreams long planted by our mighty and powerful God have {finally!}
begun to come to pass…
The Gem Foundation story is completely AMAZING and probably most of you have
heard of the International ministry which upon hearing through the most crazy set of
circumstances of Emma’s purpose of being in Africa – they pursued Emma and eventually
asked her to partner with them to care for their special needs treasures….
The pictures speak volumes…
as The Gem Foundation welcomed their first Gems into their new home….
Read the story and see the pictures here….
If you haven’t liked the Gem Foundation Facebook page,
we would all love you to do that too!
Most importantly, please pray for all the transitions!
Lastly, if the Lord should move on your heart to help
with this amazing work to these precious gems
{and the needs are many
including a car to transport at a moment’s notice
and sponsorship of each gem}
here’s the link…
The Gem Foundation website.
To God be the Glory –
spectacular things He has done
through the heart of very yielded
and focused little girl with an
enormous God-sized dream!
Love the adoring look on her face as she cuddles the new little gem in her arms! Praying for her and her gems
Isn't it amazing?? Seriously, probably hard to understand from the outside looking in, but our joy overflows – God has been so good!
Oh my goodness sweet friend…that picture of you and your girls… so precious… all the pictures so precious! Today has been an amazing day for your family… but also for all of us who love your emma and have been praying for her… Felt like a school girl all day just waiting to read something about the gems that have arrived:):) Such an amazing answer to so many prayers for your girl and her mission:) Praying for you all! Much love friend!
Thank you my precious friend for sharing our joy!! I am so thankful that you have been there, you've seen, you *know* her…and so you can appreciate and wait with expectancy at all God is doing!! Thank you for praying for them all – so many transitions on every front!! Love you my friend!
I am crying happy tears right now! I am so thankful for the work God is doing through your daughter. Those are going to be some very well loved little treasures!
You are so right! They are already loved! She keeps telling me, "Mom, I can't wait for you to come meet these treasures – you are going to love them so much!" She's smitten!
She is a blessed treasure! taking care of little treasures!
This makes my heart happy! I went to the Gem website and made a small donation. I wish I could give more. I am thinking of sponsoring one of the little gems. 🙂