This week I have been sequestered away working on Ruby’s book.
I popped on to write a couple of brief blogposts,
because, quite frankly, I miss you guys.
Not writing is kind of like not seeing a really good friend for a few days!
But as my hands pecked away on my keyboard, my
thoughts, prayers and tears were often turning to the Christians in Iraq
that are running for their lives at the hands of ISIS.
Much of the world seems in
complete shock and disbelief – this evil band has even decided to
flaunt their beheading of children and the undeniable kidnapping and rape of
Christian women!
Friends, NOW is the time to take a stand!!
If you think for a second that you are safe in whatever country
you are reading this…guess again!
Christians are under catastrophic attack globally
and the time to speak up is NOW.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke truth:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham
sent out an urgent request:
Please tune in tonight – Friday
to FOXNews Channel
at 7:00 pm EST
{Greta Van Susteren show}
DVR it if you are unable to be home.
Franklin Graham will be talking
Christians Under Attack
I applaud Franklin Graham’s courage – –
It is not recognized as ‘politically correct’ to speak out
against anything or anyone anywhere
at anytime anymore!!
“Being a Christian is less about cautiously avoiding sin
than about courageously and
actively doing God’s will.”
~Eric Metaxas
More coming about a day of Prayer and Fasting at our Place for our
Christian Brothers and Sisters suffering globally.
As you say, it is heart breaking. if there is a small thing positive from it, here in the UK they are now actually talking about Christians. When normally if they do it is a random story to point out how 'weird' they (we) are – their opinion! But now they are shocked at what is being done to Christians…sort of began to open the way to this new attitude when first the girls were abducted in Nigeria and then the situation with Meriam, but now the tide is turning and the news is beginning to stand up for Christians.
So we will keep praying here along with all of you there. How God's heart must be grieving. I know mine is, and He cares so much more!
Sandy in the UK
This is one of those few times I wish we had TV. Hopefully I can find it online somewhere. Thanks for sharing. My heart is heavy for all Christians right now.
I have been overwhelmed by this same thing this week…. the blessings and issued of my life pale in comparison… thank you for your post.