That Ruby girlfriend woke me up a few hours ago. I always try to guess what time it might be. I thought it was probably around 5:30am. She was pretty restless and feverish so I got up to get her a bottle of ice water {her favorite – brrrr!}.
It turns out it was 2:50am…
And then I instantly remembered – it’s Emma’s Introduction today. I quick texted Emma and asked if there was a chance I could Skype her for a minute just to see her before it began…so I put Ruby on her monitor…and grabbed my laptop and ran into the closet…
The internet was really pixilated but the Lord graciously gave me a fairly clear glimpse at our beautiful missionary who founded The Gem Foundation...
Grateful beyond words for the privilege of the internet and Skype.
I was “there”!
They just posted this on Facebook – the un-pixilated version!!
Lastly, the other day I shared my personal perspective of our Emma being in
Africa for two years now.
And now she has shared the last two years from her vantage point. It’s a powerful post…
5:07 am. Climbing back into bed next to sweet Ruby – who is still awake and chatting.
I'm curious what an Introduction was all about! Would love to know more if you have time to share sometime!
What exactly is "introduction day?!?" Are they married now? Just curious. Looks like a special ceremony. So glad you could be a part of it….even if it was via Skype. I also think about the missionaries who have gone before us who didn't have such communication with their families, before internet!!! How incredibly hard that had to me!
I googled Ugandan Introduction and found a blog where someone explained the ceremony their Christian friends had. What a fun day The Gem Foundation must have had! The couple look wonderful. I pray God will bless.
So glad you got to be there in some way.
Sandy in the UK