I was talking to a friend the other day about adoption. I found myself choking on tears and struggling for words. Not one word or group of words ever seem adequate enough to express how our personal lives have been changed and challenged over the last 30 years since our first adoption.
I can’t even begin.
So when I know that kids just like our Nehemiah are waiting, longing and even praying for a family before they age out….tears spill.
A month ago I posted about three of the waiting kids in China. I wrote about their wonderful personalities and what a blessing they would be in a family.
But we all know that reading my words still mean little compared to perhaps meeting that child. Hanging out with them. Watching him or her in action. Their name and face would suddenly come alive and we would see that they are really just real people, like you and I, who have joy, laughter, and purpose despite even true physical struggles.
So the other day my precious friend Robert, who is living in China and serving the orphans, wrote and said he had taken a video of Gregory. He wondered if I would share it with you all. Robert is so concerned for Gregory as the time is ticking until Gregory ages out.
As I watched, tears streamed down my face. I mean it. Tears were pouring down my face. I showed the kids. I showed Dw.
Precious Gregory – aging out in February…at which point he will be too old to ever be adopted….
Gregory’s clock is ticking…
Watch the video.
I dare you.
Look how he cares for his friends.
Notice his grin as he watches them wheel down the street after he has helped them to the next sidewalk…
Then did you see how he glances over his shoulder and kind of laughs as he turns back…clearly checking to make sure they are okay…and he himself, mild CP impairing him a tad, Gregory comes back to help another waiting friend in a chair….
As I watched his video I was convinced he is another Nehemiah. Tenderhearted, kind, gentle, easy going. His countenance shows what a treasure he is!!
I realize it’s likely difficult for an outsider looking in on adoption to really grasp the joy of adoption and my words just can’t convey it…
But I did have this thought…
Friends, if we there was no joy in adoption, would Dw and I really be going back for another at 56 and 60?
Would we?
I mean, we could more than easily argue, “Our hands are full.”
But seriously.
Look at our family.
Gaze at the smiles.
That’s not “coincidental”.
And they are definitely NOT paid to show joy on camera!
It’s not a fluke either. Think about it, getting this many people to fake smile or do it by accident together would be like nailing jello to the wall.
Friends!! Adoption is an unbelievably beautiful thing. Beyond words.
It has brought us joy that we could never have imagined – and we were already anticipating it being wonderful way back when we started adopting 30 years ago.
Would our now grown children adopt if it was so horrible?
I mean, seriously, would they??
Three of our grandtreasures are part of the family through the joy of it…and rumor has it that there are more to come from the others… #Mimisheartsmiles
Does it always turn out perfect?
Nope, but life wasn’t meant to be perfect nor was it ever promised to be perfect.
And speaking for myself, not much of my life has ever been perfect.
It is a matter of obedience and in the obedience there is immeasurable bliss.
Yup, bliss.
In fact, crazy joy!
And if there should be rough seasons, hey – God promises to use those times to make us each more like Him. And speaking from experience, He is always faithful.
Besides friends, God has called us to care for the Gregorys, the Nehemiahs, the JonWesleys, and the RuthiJoys. He will provide. He will meet each need – emotional, physical, financial and spiritual. He will hold you as you walk the parenting road, loving on His precious treasures.
So really, could you possibly make room in your heart for Gregory? You would never regret it!! Not ever. Yes, there is time, but the clock is ticking!
PS And since I’m pretty smitten with him, I would try my best to hug his and your neck one day!!
For more information about Gregory or RuthiJoy or Phillip click here and then contact: cor867@yahoo.com
Sigh….there is totally room in my heart. I’m still praying about it although with each year that passes it seems a little crazier. Would G-d keep fanning the flames of this desire it were not meant to happen? Just one, is all I ask…..
I just don’t think the desire would be there and not fulfilled. Your heart is huge sweet friend!! I love you!! xo
That’s a great video.
What a beautiful soul Gregory is!!