Two weeks ago Dw drove to another city with two of our sons on a very important mission. It’s a long story and as they left that city they thought the mission had been accomplished.
Imagine our surprise when five days later we received a letter that the mission had been rejected and it was a giant “no-go”.  It was an incredibly devastating blow to us as parents and to our sons because so much hinged on that particular task being accomplished.
In the letter we received, we were told that in order for the mission to be accomplished we would have to pay hundreds of dollars and wait about five months. WHAT?  That was a nasty punch as we didn’t have five months to wait nor did we have the money that would be necessary and especially when Dw and the boys had left that day they had said, “You are good to go!”  Oh man.  What a difficult predicament we were in.
So what we do?  We threw ourselves on the floor and kicked and screamed.  No, I’m kidding although we felt like doing that instead Dw called the number on the letter and pled our case.  They were very nice but made it clear – this will not happen without hundreds and hundreds of dollars and a five month wait.
Thankfully we do know who could make it happen!  In fact, as we were told all those things (“It’s impossible, no way, not a chance!”)  I remember thinking, “Well then this is exactly where the Lord is going to show up because there is nothing we can do about it, we don’t have five months and we definitely don’t have the hundreds of dollars to make it happen.”
Thankfully the Lord’s been working in my heart about things looking impossible and that being exactly where He likes to show up so I didn’t waste much time trying to think of what else we could do.
My faith geared into action as I decided to talk to the Lord and ask Him about this whole situation, “So Lord what are you going to do?”  In an instant, I heard His familiar voice whisper, “Way maker.” He’s never whispered that before and I can’t say I’ve ever called Him that.  I heard a song about Way Maker a time or two but it was definitely not “on the tip of my tongue”. But when I heard His whisper my heart filled with peace. I knew that I knew that I knew He was going to do it against every odd given to us.
While continuing to pray over the next few hours the Lord brought something to mind that we hadn’t really thought of before.  It was kind of a different angle on this whole mission.  When I told Dw he said, “Oh my goodness – you’re right!! I can’t believe you thought of that!”  I assured Whitey that this incredible different angle was the Lord’s idea because I’m not that smart.
Without hesitation, that man of mine set up plans to drive back to the other city to explain the situation from this new angle.
Friday Dw was back meeting with someone different as he pled our case.  The person he was meeting with, although sympathetic to our mission, said, “I’m sorry, it won’t work.”  He explained another time this new angle and although she was kind, compassionate and listening, she paused for a moment but then again announced, “No, I’m sorry. It won’t work.”  Dw continued to explain because it just didn’t seem like they understood how much this was needed and that this new angle actually negated the entire first visit.
As the Lord in His great grace would have it, a supervisor was walking by and overhearing Dw’s pleas asked if he could help.  Dw explained and before long the supervisor and the woman went to a different room.  As Dw waited he was praying and so was our son who had ridden with him. Of course, we were interceding on the home front and Emma and Josh were praying in Africa.
Before long the supervisor came out and told Dw, “We can do it.”  Dw said tears began to stream right down his face at this amazing news from the supervisor as he then texted me one word, “VICTORY.”   Our home erupted in praise – the Way maker had done it!!
Oh, dear friends, He *is* God!!!  Even when it seems like there truly is no way, even when all hope appears to have evaporated and especially when those in authority over the situation are telling you it can’t happen – Our powerful God is mighty, He is still on the throne and He is forever the WAY MAKER.
Something that struck me since that day was that this was an incredibly beautiful example for our treasures to understand just how much God cares.  He moves on our behalf.  Of course, there’s no doubt that many would have “given up” believing the first word of “not a chance”, but that’s where faith comes into the equation.  We believed God was going to do it!  And all praise to Him – He did!
No doubt, you would have to know the situation to know how God had confirmed over and over that this mission was exactly what He was calling us to do.  And when we were told, “No.” we knew that this would be an opportunity to see God work for our kids because we want them to grasp that He is, indeed, astoundingly faithful.
So precious friends, whatever your impossible situation, He is more than able to be your WAY MAKER as you take your matter to Him in prayer. He is able to change the hearts of those who would have the final authority and He will definitely never leave you high and dry.  We give Him all the praise.  He is the WAY MAKER.

3 thoughts on “WAY MAKER

  1. This is crazy, because I recently heard a song called Way Maker, and you came to mind, but I for some reason didn’t comment the song that I had found!! This is the first post you have done since I thought of you being connected to the song somehow! Praising the Lord with you!! <3

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