On Saturday, August 5 Ruby had a horrible seizure and she and I came by ambulance. I posted on FB asking for prayer.
Sunday, August 6th, we thought we would go home, but without warning, Ruby grew even sicker.
Monday, August 7th she was so very sick that the doctors said she needed to go to PICU. I hopped on FB and told people that she was being moved to PICU and please, please, please pray.
The following was an update on Tuesday August 8th, 10pm-ish, from PICU:
Please don’t skim, you will miss WHAT GOD DID.
I just wrote a very, very long update and my phone deleted it all literally as I was posting it. So, being perfectly honest, I am running on empty (there aren’t even fumes), so at this moment, this is as good as it gets.
Yesterday, Monday, Ruby was non-responsive all day. It was horrible. The specialists caring for her knew something was terribly wrong, and there were a few things that they were leaning toward – none of which are an easy “fix”.
They came to her room in a group and had a frank discussion with me. It was awful and I was sobbing hysterically. They also told me they felt it would be best to take her to PICU. I hopped on FB to tell you, my faithful friends, who love Ruby so much, have prayed her through many difficult times and who earnestly care about her.
I then called my dear friend and his beautiful wife from my teen years. D and L confidently believe God for mighty miracles, they believe God at His word and they are people who know how to pray! In fact they are the ones who were praying over me when my arms and legs were healed from the MS and they are always my “go to” for prayer (even in the middle of the night) because they believe God at His word. Their bold faith encourages me daily.
So after praying together D said, “Don’t focus on circumstances but start praying scripture over Ruby that she will LIVE!” As he said that, the Lord reminded me instantly of two verses.
I typed them in my phone inserting her name in both verses: “Ruby will NOT die, instead, Ruby will LIVE to tell what the Lord has done!” Psalm 118:17
” The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in Ruby. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to Ruby’s mortal body by this same Spirit living within Ruby.”Romans 8:11 (Ruby loves Jesus so much and she loves to worship!)
Putting worship music on in our PICU room, and alone with Ruby, I leaned over the bed close to my precious baby girl’s beautiful face and began to pray both verses, word for word.
Honestly, I was not prepared for what happened next because within ONLY maybe two minutes of beginning to pray those verses, Ruby opened her eyes, looked right at me and smiled. (Picture below.) I started to shout praises, “You are here! You are here! RUBY!! God’s healing you! RUBY WILL LIVE – She WILL NOT die, but she will LIVE!!”

Within about three more minutes, Ruby attempted to sit up (this was a clear sign that she is returning to herself), so I gave her a little help since she was obviously very weak. She was smiling and even talked to me!
Sixty-four year old me was literally jumping up and down shouting praises to the King of Kings! It was ONLY our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, GASP-giving GOD! Unresponsive all day and she was now acting like our Ruby!
Ruby’s nurse came in and almost fell over. It was absolutely beautiful. Her nurse texted the PICU doctor and the PICU doc came to see for herself! She was dumbfounded and kept laughing!
It was a powerful testimony for all to see – and you can be sure I continued to tell everyone that I was praying God’s word that she would LIVE and He was the ONLY one who was healing her. And of course, I told them that Ruby has friends around the world who were praying for her healing too.
Savannah came up to visit after she got off work. I had called her at work when I was sobbing. Savannah is such a blessing, she’s a nurse in an ER, is so wise and the best part – she adores Ruby and Ruby loves her just as much. Savannah was shocked to find Ruby sitting up talking! It was truly a “gasper-from-God!”
When Dw got here I was still jumping up and down for joy. He did not know that Ruby had woke, had smiled and was sitting up talking to Savannah and I. I was saving the surprise for his arrival.
Anyway, all night long last night involved blood draws every two hours, and with her spider veins it is very complicated so each time it took close to an hour as her IVs were not working. (Translation: Ruby and I didn’t sleep most of the night!)
Wild horses couldn’t keep her sibs from coming up today – they love her to pieces – she’s the miracle-girl of our family. Ruby woke to smile at them when they came in. Birdie was precious as she joyfully bounded into Ruby’s room loudly shouting, “Oh Hey REE!” Ruby grinned big time when she saw her.

The specialists feel pretty sure they have figured out what Ruby has. I haven’t had time to research it (and have never heard of it) but they are working on a plan forward. It’s complicated and I would love you guys to pray for wisdom for them and Ruby’s continued healing. They have said we will be here until it’s all figured out, Ruby’s numbers are steady and we are comfortable.

I can’t remember what else I had written on the post that deleted but I’m pretty sure I’m as close to sleep-typing as I’ve ever been. I’m about to climb in the twin bed with Ruby. My girl loves to snuggle and her mama loves to snuggle with her just as much – win/win!

Thank you all for kneeling with us on Ruby’s behalf. I am so sorry for the late update – it has been a long, long day filled with tests, doctors, specialists, kids around the world calling, kids coming up to see her, and all kinds of medical stuff. With much love and a heart overflowing with Thanksgiving and praise! Nite nite from the PICU. xoxo
Wow! Praising God with you!
Thanks for updating on here. I’m not on FB. I love your family. Praying and thanking God for Ruby’s progress!
Love your Ruby and rejoice for God’s intervention. We have 7 special treasures our youngest Alex went to his reward in March. It was his time to be released from so much suffering. I rejoice all the more that Ruby has more quality time that God has granted I will keep her in my prayers.