I just Couldn’t Resist

I am leaving in about 10 minutes to head to Starbucks (of course!) to get Emma a Pumpkin Spice Latte’ and something for myself. We have our all day Girlfriends’ Retreat – it should be awesome! We have 60+ ladies going up to the college to participate with several hundred other woman. We have special…


Dw was at the local coffee shop this AM with some of our staff pastors. They were all still laughing about my blunder yesterday (see previous post). They wondered if I am tired of people laughing? No – not at all! I think it’s hilarious too, just a bit awkward in the moment. So this…

Ooopsie! One VERY Major Blooper

Yesterday I was supposed to give an announcement during both services regarding our upcoming Girlfriend’s Retreat (this coming week-end) and also about October being Breast Cancer Awareness month. Several people had asked that we mention it being Breast Cancer Awareness month so that we could pray for those affected by it. Being the only female…

Our Annual Fall Blow-Off

And we’re off……….. First necessary stop…..Second necessary stop….this sweet little place to purchase some goodies……..Yummmmmmm……..We discovered Summit Lake along the way……… Throwing stones in lakes….does it get any better than that? Throw buddy throw!What in the world???? A camel? A lama? A camalama? Who knows!! Too cool not to take a picture of though…..and check…


Late, late last night I spoke to my accountability partner, Joanne. Jo was just returning home from a night of prayer and prophetic words at a church not far from where she lives up near Denver. Jo said that the church was packed to the brim as the main thrust of this most important meeting…

Wordless Wednesday??

Okay, so I was thinking today of taking a brief break from the seriousness and heaviness of the current situation in our nation and talking about something much less serious. There are some bloggers out there that have what they call “Wordless Wednesday” where only pictures are posted. I guess I am confused as to…