“My Mom in America”

I met this little guy when I spoke at the church in Ssenge Village while I was in Africa picking up Elijah and Elizabeth. He hung around me alot. And then he wanted ask me something. I bent over because he was talking so softly. He said, “Take me home with you to America. I…

My Perfect Day!!

What a wonderful Mother’s Day 2010. He truly makes the barren woman to be at home the joyful mother of children…. During both services the kids came from their classes and brought flowers to us.. The youth worship band led us in worship for both servicesGraham leads the youth worship band There’s Ben on the…

Whew!! What a Week!!

Whew! It has been quite a week! I can’t believe tomorrow’s Monday already. Thursday night we had the privilege of having the Uganda Go 2010 Team come {along with their families} for dinner at our home. We were even able to Skype or talk via cell to the other members of the team that are…

Escape Average….

Do you have a teenager about to graduate from high school who doesn’t know what to do next year? Do you have a young adult that is looking for a change or a challenge? The church we pastor, The River, has an internship program, and this fall we are opening it up to the world….