It’s Okay….

And so it was that yesterday was the official ‘send-off’ for our family – Emma moving to Africa {permanently}. I’ve heard it said that Americans {and probably most of the world} don’t really like to allow time to properly grieve. No doubt, grieving, in any form, can often make people quite uncomfortable. There’s a loss,…

Miss Emma Joy

Yesterday I did a post about Mr. Nehemiah and today I’ve decided is Miss Emma’s day. There are so many emotions floating around this silver-haired mama’s heart as the days tick closer to early January. So many changes underway….including circumstances that I cannot quite share yet…and some that I just haven’t been able to bring…

Ever Longed To…..

look into the eyes of a little treasure made in the image of the most-loving God and tell them how thankful you are that He created them? or linger, snuggle and pray over a little orphan-treasure as you tuck them in, knowing that perhaps they have not been prayed over in a really long time,…