What YOU Do Is GOOD!!!

Watching the Whales Jump and Perform

Cruises are awesome! I am overflowing with continued refreshment as we cruise back toward Vancouver, British Columbia. One of the things I had been praying for was that we would see whales and sea creatures near the ship……after all, this is the ocean!

This morning was the day for answered prayer and ocean fun. We had breakfast in one of the dining rooms that provided us a window smack dab next to us at almost ocean level. As we sat eating all of a sudden there was a quick burst and there was, what appeared to be a school of dolphins jumping not too far from us. People jumped over to the window to see the show, but it was so quick they missed it.

That was the warm-up for this evening. I had decided after dinner to go down to level 6 and walk around the deck for a few laps. As I was rounding a corner I caught something in the water. I ran to the rail and saw a beautiful whale jump up into the air. I started to scream and squeal out of sheer exuberance. I had no idea if anyone was around me or not I just was too excited to keep my joy to myself. There was another lady walking along who joined me at the rail as we continued to watch for a few minutes as probably at least three whales jumped up in the air, showing off their docile fin for us and one showed us most of his entire body! It was so cool! We both giggled as the whales gave us quite a wonderful show.

I then kept walking and went around the back of the ship. All of a sudden I noticed some puffs of water and there, again, were some whales performing. I started to whoop and shout. I can’t help myself – I love wildlife and the natural magnificence that their God-given beauty provides….I was enthralled. There were probably a dozen people watching the sunset, but not one had seen the whales spouting – until I showed them. One young man next to me got so excited it was sweet. He was Chinese and from Guangzhou where we had been last summer. This time the whales show lasted about 20 minutes. I thought of the verse in Psalm 119:68a…“You are good – and what you do is good!!” Yippee Jesus!!

One thought on “What YOU Do Is GOOD!!!

  1. Approximately 36 hours – 8 minutes till I see you babe! Who’s counting? We’ve done great, but miss you a boat load! (Pun intended!)

    Hurry home soul-mate!!
    LYBL – love me

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