Jubilee’s Update

Just a bit more for this Saturday: Our agency is going to try to just have an addendum filed with our immigration to keep us from having to refile every bit of it all again. Your prayers are so needed!!

Also, Dw is intending to preach tomorrow at both services. God has been stirring this message in his heart for weeks – it’s all about Surrender. He is still very weak and tires very easily. If you think of him, please pray for both of the services. He could hardly stand not going last week (and he looked and felt like death warmed over). I knew that wild horses wouldn’t hold him back this week.

I am working hard at fattening him up. Since strawberries are in season, I have been making lots of homemade shortcake and chopping up tons of fresh berries. Strawberry shortcake is his all time favorite so he is one happy camper. At 10 pm at night you can often find me making more shortcake for him for the second time each day. He has been very thankful too.

One last thing….Tyler texted me at 6am this morning to tell me to watch this YouTube video taht he is in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Ti4WJmqTc Remember I mentioned that he was away training?

At 54 seconds into it I saw just the back of his neck appear below the camera. Just the back of his neck and I said, “That’s him!! I see him!” His huge backpack is on his back.
Then just a few seconds later (1:05 seconds approx) you can see him dangling and in the next 7 seconds he looks up at whoever is operating the camera. I got all teary when I saw his face!! I love that young man so much!!! Such a treasure from the other side of the world for us!!

Only a little glimpse of him, but yes, that’s our boy and we are so proud of him. Please pray for our military and their families and their safety. They love our country and they strongly believe that Freedom isn’t Free!!

14 thoughts on “Jubilee’s Update

  1. I watched that video when you posted it on Twitter this morning but I didn't know which one was him- now that you told us, that looked so scary! But probably something they do all the time- I will never take our servicemen and women for granted!

    Praying for your case with Jubilee and for Dwight's services tomorrow!!

  2. Oh Linny, I don't know you personally, but, seeing these young men doing this for ME, makes me proud of each and every one of them…as I type this thru my tears! You have every right to be so very proud of him…..and I thank you for raising such a wonderful son!

    Lifting him and every other US soldier in prayer…..

  3. I've said it before, I firmly believe God is going to do a miracle with your little Jubilee in bringing her home. Continued prayers for the situation and for DW. Hugs and love…

    btw – you still haven't told us what was in the box…

  4. I had to laugh at knowing the back of his neck. My brother went to a military college where, on the first day, they shaved their heads and, dressed tham all alike, and lined them up for drills. My mom knew my brother by his elbows…only a momma! My brother is also now in the service. He is in intelligence, so thankfully, though he is often close to combat, he is much more safe than those on the front lines. It breaks my heart when people don't support those who are working to protect our freedom. I saw a great bumper sticker the other day – "If you won't stand behind our troops, stand in front!" Classic! praying for your Tyler.

    I am glad to hear that DW will be preaching in the morning and I will certainly be praying for his strength.

    And oh how I am praying for your paperwork to simply need an addendum – that seems to be a big issue right now. it's just so hard when we just want our babies – we just want to give them what the need and don't have, but we have to continue to wait for all the red tape. But again…God is in to timing right? Even when paperwork is involved!

  5. Praying for your paperwork, friend. Yayyeee–your hubby is back in the pulpit—thank you Jesus. Anthony preached the same message last weekend–surrender! It seems it is a timely for the Church. I love it.

    Hope you're doing okay–I know the last few weeks must have been so tough on you. I can't imagine all the emotions. Know that you are loved and treasured by so many of us bloggy friends 🙂

  6. So, did I really understand that youtube video? Is that Ty and his buddies hanging on a rope UNDERNEATH a helicopter while it's flying all over?!?!? Gracious sakes! Thanks for your prayers for our military and their families. They are greatly needed and appreciated.

  7. Wow! That video is really something-I was scared for them but they looked like they knew what they were doing. Praise the Lord for the young men and women in our military.

    Praying for Dw, Tyler and Jubilee's paperwork!

  8. Oh friends, I hope DW was able to preach today! I'm still praying like mad for him.

    And as for Tyler..A-MAZ-ING! The girls and I watched it and Laney said, "Ohhhh, that would be scarrry!" And Abby wondered why they were doing that. Thanks for providing an opportunity to talk to my girls our soldiers! We are so thankful!

  9. Oh my looks like you have one determined hubby, we were away all weekend so I'll pray he is recovering well at home this afternoon.
    I certainly hope your agency can get that paperwork through. God can part the Red Sea, what's a bit of paperwork?
    Prayers for Ty, not sure I can watch the youtube ever since I'm a mom I can't stand heights

  10. I remember seeing Jubilees precious face when she was first posted on our agency's website. I was so happy when you emailed me and told me you were going to be Jubilee's mama!! I will pray for things to go your way and for Jubilee to be home SOON!!!!

  11. Hello friend–I don't know if you are up to accepting blog awards? If you are, stop by my blog when you have a minute–I have one to share with you.

    Hope Dw felt okay today. I'm sure He was carried on the wings of eagles as He preached to his beloved congregation 🙂

  12. I will be praying for Tyler. How amazing for you to get this video of him training. I can only imagine how it blessed you to get that tiny glimpse of him. My oldest son is heading to boot camp in Oct.

    Praying for your paperwork, too!!! God will make a way.

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