Thoughts from Skagway, Alaska

There have been so many wonderful aspects of this cruise- – I knew it was going to be good, but I just had no idea how good…and it has been better than I could have even imagined! And there have been some unexpected surprises and delightful moments between just the Lord and I. I love hearing His voice….it is such an adventure!! It has been extra special to have extended periods of time just between He and I.

One of the things He spoke to me about was how to pray for our kids. I have a little prayer book with lists for each of the kids that I pray for each of them specifically, but He told me to get even more specific and to pray prophetically for each of them daily.

Dwight and I take naming our kids really seriously and so we have named our children after people that we deeply admire (from the Bible or life). On this cruise I have spent a good amount of time making new prayer lists for our kids. For just a little example….I have been writing things down that the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah did in his life. One of the things that I discovered written about him was that Isaiah feared God…so I have on my list that I am praying that our little Isaiah will fear God. I have long lists so far and I am intent on praying specifically through each list daily, if possible.

This world is a serious place and there is an all out plan to siege the hearts and minds of our kids so we must be intentional and pray, pray, pray!
Today we disembarked in Skagway, Alaska. It is a quaint little village, kind of old fashioned with a bit of Russian flair. I did some shopping and then went on an excursion – all by myself. When I was trying to decide what excursion to do today I studied the little booklet up and down. I finally decided to take a kayak trip to see wildlife. It sounded peaceful and that there would be some physical effort – which sounded perfect! BUT no one else signed up for it so it was cancelled – bummer!! I had to pick something else. There were a few that sounded great so I had to choose.

One was a trip up to the top of a mountain pass with a view of Canada. They then would give me a bike to ride downhill to the bottom. My favorite thing in the world to do was to ride a bike so I thought that would be great. THEN I remembered my bike accident. What was I thinkin’? I even laughed outloud when I realized that I had just had the bike accident and would even consider riding downhill from a mountain pass. I must be nuts sometimes!

So then I was looking and saw a horse back riding excursion to see the sights up in the mountain. Now that sounded good. Then I remembered my horse experience this past summer. Now if you are reading this post and think I am adding some drama to make you laugh you are totally wrong!! I totally thought the bike ride sounded great until I remembered and I totally thought that the horseback riding would be great until I again remembered!! All I can say is that it must be menopause that is making me not think clearly!

Anyway, I ended up doing a float down a river in an Eagle Preserve. It was peaceful and serene. I saw about 35 eagles, which was super cool and on the way back I saw a whale. A very sweet day indeed! I’m packing up to go back to my cabin and order ice cream from room service. What flavor do you want??

2 thoughts on “Thoughts from Skagway, Alaska

  1. I’ll take Rocky Road. That’s an awesome idea… a little book with specific things to pray for my children. I pray for them but to be intentional about it and super specific is so right on. I am getting a journal for this. Thanks miss Linn! Love jen

  2. “You make me laugh, you make me cry, i adore you and can’t wait to sit and sip some coffee.. Alone and in a quite place… and hear all your wonderful stories. I love you, hurry home, i miss you.” Love dw

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