It All Goes Down Hill from There

This is our 21st year of home schooling and I can hardly believe it. When I first started 21 years ago home schooling was new on the scene. Most hadn’t heard of it before. People would wrinkled up their faces and say, “You are going to do what?” And then the very next question would always be, “Is it legal?” I am so thankful for the privilege of doing it. Truthfully, I started home schooling because I just couldn’t bear the thought of not spending the day with my kids. Each of them have come to my arms after a lot of “blood, sweat and tears”, why should someone else get the joy of spending the day with them? We have a blast together and I have no regrets!!

Emma puts it this way…“Who wants to go to school when we can have warm chocolate chip cookies as we do Bible study together?” She has a point!

Over the years I have done it all different ways….using all types of curriculums. My favorite years were the years we did Unit Studies (Konos or Weaver)- lots of work but oh so very much fun!.

With more little ones headed for our home to join our forever family we have now settled into our second year of doing Switched on Schoolhouse. Emma, Graham and Liberty each do their work on computers, which generates assignments and tells me what I need to correct at the end of their school day. At this stage in life it works well and they all love it (thankfully).

Each day though we stop what we are doing and we all gather with our Bibles for Bible study and prayer time where we pray for all kinds of things. We have seen some amazing answers to our prayers. Once upon a time we used to call it Family Devotions. Graham has always loved this time and when he was little he would say, “Can we do ‘otions’?” It was so sweet.

Well recently I have noticed how this Bible study time digresses each and every day. It starts out with everyone fully engaged and eventually the giggles start and it’s all downhill or upside down from there…..little ones sure make life enjoyable….the pictures tell the story….

Giggling upside down

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