Urgent Prayer Needed!!

There is a family in China at this moment to pick up their little daughter Susannah. But Susannah is extremely ill and in the hospital. Susannah has a serious problem with her heart and lungs and they are needing wisdom and divine intervention. Please lift them/her and the situation up.

Pray specifically that God would give them wisdom, discernment and much favor with the Chinese Government. They need to get her to the United States ASAP. Here is a link to their blog: http://www.roomforatleastonemore.blogspot.com/ **When I awoke this morning I ran to check on little Susannah. Their web site is now blocked and accessible “by invitation only”. Their pain must be very great.**

5 thoughts on “Urgent Prayer Needed!!

  1. Praying specifically for precious Susannah and her family. Thank you for making us aware and giving us this opportunity to lift up this family. Love, Amy

  2. linn, i too checked this morning to find it blocked. do you know them? i will keep praying regardless. i would love to follow along. this morning the verse that JUMPED out at me was colossians 4:2. if you know how to get an invitation to their blog, please let me know. xoxoxo, jan (phoebe)

  3. I, too, read their blog this a.m., but later on found out it was blocked. I would like an invite as well, if possible. I have been praying for them and will continue to do so.

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