
Late, late last night I spoke to my accountability partner, Joanne. Jo was just returning home from a night of prayer and prophetic words at a church not far from where she lives up near Denver. Jo said that the church was packed to the brim as the main thrust of this most important meeting was the upcoming election. Modern day prophets from around the nation were also present.

Several of you have written to me via email to tell me that you also will be praying and fasting with me today – thank you!! There is so much at stake! Last night as Jo and I talked we were only more convinced of the urgent need to fast and pray.

I have prayed long and hard about a blog post regarding the election. I promised way back when I started posting to my blog that I would be completely honest and unashamedly forthright. I couldn’t do it any other way because one day I will stand before my Lord, Savior and King and answer for not only what I did but also what I said while here on earth.

In that vein, here are some things that I am compelled to mention regarding the upcoming election – from my vantage point.
I have heard a million times over that the main issue of this election is the economy. Yes, America is in trouble economically, BUT should the main issue be the economy? I am reminded of our forefathers who braved all they knew to come to a land they had never been, across a sea they had never sailed for one purpose – religious freedom! The economy was not a factor in their decision. Infact they gave up what they had (jobs, homes, financial security) without looking back to come to America to worship freely.
The theme song of this election seems to also be “CHANGE! We want CHANGE!” It reminds me of another day. Once upon a time there were a group of people (the Isrealites to be exact) who also wanted CHANGE and so they cried out for a King. They whined and complained, they wanted a change – yes, they wanted a King. Being led by Moses was not good enough. So eventually God said, “You want change? You really want a king? Ooooookay?!? I’ll give you change – I’ll give you a King.” Somehow though their new King wasn’t all he was cracked up to be, but rather a hellish nightmare!

Could there be a parallel? Could Almighty God be saying, “So you think you want CHANGE? Are you sure this is the CHANGE you want? Are you positive?” I shudder to think what that change might look like after ignoring all the things that really matter…….for instance….

Although it is not mandatory in our constitution that a Presidential nominee have military experience, I for one, think it ought to be. How dedicated to this great land is someone who hasn’t been willing to give up the comforts of home and risk their lives for it? I think of John McCain’s years as a Prisoner of War, he is a true patriot and has paid a huge price to be an American.

Our forefathers knew the stakes were high when they fought for freedom from England. They knew that we were a nation that was worth fighting for. Warriors throughout history have laid it all down, for the sake of America.

Let’s take it one step further regarding our military. We were attacked on our own shores on 9-11 although for many, that day is quickly forgotten. As I talk with my Army special forces son, he is greatly disturbed by the funding for equipment for our military. Take a look at the candidates, who wants to cut funding? You can bet it’s someone who has never served our country!

If our brave young men and women are willing to step up to the call to protect the United States of America than we ought to be investing in the most state of the art equipment for them – not decreasing the allotment for equipment! I was appalled when Tyler told me some of the stories of what different branches have in the way of equipment. I had been naive enough to think that we would be supplying these modern day patriots with the best of the best! Not so – and it will only be worse if Senator Obama is elected!

Don’t even get me started on Michelle Obama’s feelings about America, Barack’s lapel pin or how he decided to skip visiting wounded troops at Landstahl Regional Medical Center in Germany instead opting for a short jaunt to Paris- just for starters!!!
Then there is the issue of life. Senator Obama has supported and defended the right to partial birth abortion. This is a practiced procedure where the baby is partially born (hence the name) and then killed. No wonder things in America are running amuck! At our very core we have chosen to leave unprotected the most innocent of life and many are screaming for this man who adamantly wants the most extreme measures of murdering full-term infants protected. God help us!
Then there is the issue of how many times Senator Obama actually made a decision while serving as Senator these last whopping 3-1/12 years. Nearly 130 times he chose to only state himself as ‘present’ instead of vote for on an issue. Whether the issue was sex-related shops being positioned near schools or juveniles being tried as adults – Mr. Obama was “present” but didn’t have an opinion! So where does he stand on most issues? “Present” would be the word of choice.

I have been doing some investigating into the backgrounds of those running for President of the United States. You don’t have to go very far to find some very disturbing information. The mainstream liberal media has one agenda this year. It is to shut their eyes, put their fingers in their ears and loudly say, “la-la-la-la-la-la-la”. They refuse to even question the substantial terrorist ties that Senator Obama has (See US News and World Report article dated August 22, 2008.) and they refuse to investigate the viable claims that are disclosed in the new book The Obama Nation by Jerome R. Corsi. Yes, you read that right – TERRORIST ties!

Instead they are choosing to embrace a man that they know little about, is friends with known terrorists and has only been in American politics for 3-1/2 years!!
Frankly, Dw and I are in deep anguish that people we know, love and worship with have been completely deceived by this very liberal media and Senator Obama himself. Throwing Godly principles, human reason and heavenly wisdom to the wind they too have embraced his smoothness of speech.

For the record – By no means do we agree with all of John McCain’s policies! BUT he is alot closer to the values that we hold dear and our son (for one!) fights for!

Laying it all out there and at the risk of losing every blog friend I have….let me put it bluntly! In my spirit I am 100% convinced that if Senator Obama wins this election God’s judgment on America will have begun, and America as we know it, will never be the same again. We will have begun to reap what we have sown as a nation.

We (Christians included) have sown greed, selfishness, moral impurity, abortion, bitterness, deceit, anger, complacency, apathy to the orphan and poor, just for starters. There are a million different things vying for our time and money. Spending time reading our Bible is not a priority. Spending time on our knees is not a priority. Bible studies and church attendance have also become optional.
When I was a girl I used to watch The Dick Van Dyke Show and on it Dick and Mary had twin beds. It was inappropriate to show a husband and wife in bed together. Now? Now a “normal” show (even kids movies and cartoons!) consists of regular jokes about homosexuality, cross dressing, homophobia, fornication, masterbation, pornography and infidelity.

Oh how God’s heart must be grieved! A Holy God has certainly put up with our filth long enough! I remember hearing years ago Billy Graham (who our son Graham is named after) saying, “If God doesn’t destroy America He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

God’s word is clear. “If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways. THEN I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” We bear the responsibility for our nation and its future. We must truly repent, truly turn, truly humble ourselves, truly pray and truly beg God for His mercy.
My prayer has been, “God we don’t deserve it, but PLEASE don’t destroy America! I know we don’t deserve it – but please God, grant us mercy!”

Change? You bet we need change! We need to change our hearts, our morals, our standards, the amount of time spent in our Bibles and on our knees. We need to change what we fill our thought lives with, what we listen to and what really matters to us! We need to change what we spend our money on and our time doing! Change? YOU BET WE NEED A CHANGE but not via Barack Obama!!

13 thoughts on “Change?

  1. Ok lady, you brough me to tears. What you wrote today is so true. We live in a beautiful country, the land of the free because of the brave. I would have NEVER EVER believed how poorly our military is treated – but I experienced it first hand being a military wife – and it turned my stomach to know how our troops are treated. How ill equipped they are in combat as far as equipment goes…

    Keep praying mama and crying out to God to show mercy on us. I am kneeling right there with you.

  2. I could not have said it better myself. Awesome essay and I agree 100%. How sad that we’ve come to this place as a country. We’re the frog who started out in cold water and it is now boiling and we don’t know the difference. I pray we wake up soon – before it’s too late! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Wow Linn. I agree 110%. I wish that what you said could be run as a commercial on TV over and over until the election.

    You and so many others have voiced a warning from the Lord and I desperately pray that hearts are humbled and surrendered to Him before it’s too late.

    I feel that we are on the brink of change for sure…I just hope it is a change that returns this nation back to godliness.

    Thanks for speaking the Truth.


  4. Oh Linn, I’m standing on my rooftop shouting DITTO!!!! You have echoed my concerns and I’m at a loss as to ‘how we got to this point’!! I’ve never seen such bitterness and divisive language as I’m hearing from the supporters backing Mr. B. Hussein Obama, even going so far as to call McCain/ Palin supporters “White Trash”.

    Can you imagine the outrage if anyone used the terrible “N” word in reference to supporters of Obama?? I could go on and on w/ examples of how unfair and vicious this time has been but I think I’m preaching to the choir here! (Thanks Choir!)

    How they can go after Palin as a Gov. of a state, and say she “lacks experience” when Obama is the poster boy for being ‘unknown’ blows me away. It appears this is another vicious distraction to circumvent Obama’s own inexperience.

    Did you happen to catch the interview’s of both McCain and Obama on the ‘View’?? That program sickens me, but I watched the clips on You Tube. During the Obama interview, you see Barb. Walters patting his knee, giggling like a school girl w/ a crush on him, letting him have the entire platform,,,, contrast this w/ her interview w/ McCain where she came after him like a pit bull not letting him finish his answers, butting in every time he attempted to speak, etc etc.. Search this on you tube and you will be floored if you haven’t see this already.

    Ok, I’ll calm down now. sigh. May God grant mercy on our nation during this crucial time. My prayer will be that hearts will “Change” and turn toward Christ.

  5. Thank you babe for being a woman of truth who is not afraid to speak her heart. Too many have become silent and your words pierce the silence in this election. In an almost like police like state, where those who question the news media choice are quieted, your words speak loud and clear. They are fresh, challenging and bold. Thanks for being courageous, brave, and fearless. You my love are awesome.

  6. Woo HOO! Go miss Linn! I completely 100% agree with you. I am motivated and informed by your statements… with your permission I’d like to post your blog on my facebook account. More people need to know what you know. More people need to be influenced by truth. Let me know if you think it’s OK.
    peace. Lv, jen

  7. Thank you, thank you! I have been moved to tears lately about this election! I felt like I had to write something too, because even some Christians that I know are planning on voting for Obama! I babysit for a neighbor girl who’s dad is a pastor of a Baptist church, and she said they are voting for Obama. How can Christians be so blind? And you are right. The economy is so NOT important in the grand scheme of things. I am just heartbroken over this. So I wrote my little piece about it on my facebook page. It helps me to know that others are passionate about this too, and fasting and praying is definitely the way to go! (If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray…)

  8. Linn,

    We completely agree with you. We, too, have been praying that God grant us mercy and not give us what we deserve! We have been praying daily for the upcoming election and our nation.

    Janet and Kevin

  9. Here is a repost of a comment that My two year old helped erase>>>><<<<

    I wanted Rach to proofread it and he decided to help *smile*

    she read it and said it was ok, Maybe my rant wasn't supposed to be and maybe I was just supppose to learn Patience with my little one????

    for all that is worth I really feel the need to rexpress myself,

    Sure we need to read our Bibles and pray, ALOT,

    Just want to say that, We also have to stay active in the day to day governments and politics, lest the Liberal leftists and minorities continue to run amok, with our values and beliefs.

    I know that it is so easy to Monday morning Quarterback, and it is now monday in the politcal world, and I am scared spitless about what is taking place around me.

    As I look to history, I see the need for the Boston Tea parties, the marches on D.C. by Dr. Martin Luther King, the need for the courage and sacrifice of the women who stood up for the proclamation of emancipation.

    I firmly believe we need to revisit history sometimes to remember and honor the costs involved and prices paid, by those that have gone before us.
    And paved the way for our freedoms and rights.

    Rant over LOL..Rach showed me your blog and we both fell in love with it,

    It's so good to know that there are good hearted people doing good deeds, and leading Godly lives,,

    Thanks for sharing your good life with us and others..:o)
    In finishing I would like to end with a link to a speech that Ronald Reagan made in 1964 at the Republican convention for Barry Goldwater,

    It was titled a time for choosing. Hopefully we can still make good choices and make a differance.

    God bless and keep you and yours.
    Rach and I will be visiting again, and hopefully making right choices :o)

  10. Here is a repost of a comment that My two year old helped erase>>>><<<<

    I wanted Rach to proofread it and he decided to help *smile*

    she read it and said it was ok, Maybe my rant wasn't supposed to be and maybe I was just supppose to learn Patience with my little one????

    for all that is worth I really feel the need to rexpress myself,

    Sure we need to read our Bibles and pray, ALOT,

    Just want to say that, We also have to stay active in the day to day governments and politics, lest the Liberal leftists and minorities continue to run amok, with our values and beliefs.

    I know that it is so easy to Monday morning Quarterback, and it is now monday in the politcal world, and I am scared spitless about what is taking place around me.

    As I look to history, I see the need for the Boston Tea parties, the marches on D.C. by Dr. Martin Luther King, the need for the courage and sacrifice of the women who stood up for the proclamation of emancipation.

    I firmly believe we need to revisit history sometimes to remember and honor the costs involved and prices paid, by those that have gone before us.
    And paved the way for our freedoms and rights.

    Rant over LOL..Rach showed me your blog and we both fell in love with it,

    It's so good to know that there are good hearted people doing good deeds, and leading Godly lives,,

    Thanks for sharing your good life with us and others..:o)
    In finishing I would like to end with a link to a speech that Ronald Reagan made in 1964 at the Republican convention for Barry Goldwater,

    It was titled a time for choosing. Hopefully we can still make good choices and make a differance.

    God bless and keep you and yours.
    Rach and I will be visiting again, and hopefully making right choices :o)

  11. Change as defined by our Nation’s #1 most Liberal senator and his VP choice of America’s #3 most Liberal. Putting this in perspective, Hillary ranked between 32 and 16 for the same period.

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