Our Annual Barn Party

The Barns!!!Some of my favorite cowboys and cowgirl……Our “kids”…Seth & Maria and twins Ian and Levi Ella Bella….(Seth and Maria’s oldest)
Liberty and Luke…..
Luke’s brother Samuel Isaiah with our Isaiah Samuel (cool names, huh?)
Our sweet friends Kim and Martin and baby Jadyn
The Hippity Hop and some of the biggest, baddest cowboys guarding the post..
Dw and Isaiah having a blast in the hippity hop – sure makes us parents feel young!!

For weeks we have looked forward to our church’s annual Barn Party! What a blast we had! Games, Hippity-Hop, face painting, food, live music, a bonfire and a cake walk!
My sweet friend, Laura, and I….

Our favorite part of the party is the “cake walk”. When I was a kid we called it musical chairs, but somewhere it turned into the cake walk – where the prize is a pie or cake. I am happy to announce that for two years in a row I have now won! Wooo Hoooo!
I don’t consider myself a real competitive person (my family would probably disagree) but there is something about a cake walk that just causes me to pull out all the stops! I have been known to dive with reckless abandon to get to an empty chair.

Fortunately they had cake walks for various ages, which sure helps! No one wants to get in trouble knocking a little kid to the ground just to win! Just kidding.

The teenagers playing the cake walk……

Graham and his buddy SpencerOn a sidenote: Our Outreach Pastor is Seth and his wife Maria. I prayed years ago as my older kids were leaving home and asked the Lord to bring us kids to replace the ones that were moving away. He so lovingly brought us Seth and Maria. They came to us (from Oregon) when we pastored in Virginia to be on our staff and to be mentored by us. Then they moved with us here to Colorado. We have been through all kinds of things together and we have a blast when we are together. They are just the kind of friends that we can totally be ourselves with, and we have had many great discussions about ministry and pastoring. Many years ago, Seth affectionately nicknamed me The Holy Mother, which always makes me laugh when he says it. Their oldest Ella (2 years old) refers to us as Grandma Linn and Grandpa Dw.

But this season is ending and sometime around April of 2009 they will move (with their three little ones in tow) to plant a church in the San Francisco area of California. They are awesome people and we just can’t even imagine what it will be like when they move. Dw and I, both, start to cry anytime we even remotely mention it.
Anyway, back to the cake walk…..Seth and I had made an agreement. If either of us won the cake walk we wouldn’t eat the prize unless our families were together. Then miraculously Seth and I were the last two left in the game. He says he didn’t win because he let me win (such a typical male), but from all vantage points, my bee-hind was clearly on the chair and his was clearly not. =)
Seth and I with my winning cake – chocolate with Fresh Raspberries on top and raspberry filling…..The pictures can’t really capture all the fun that was had, but they sure indicate a blast was had by all!

2 thoughts on “Our Annual Barn Party

  1. Looks like SO much fun (and take home fun as well! 🙂 Bet it was yummy. Where in Va. did you Pastor a church? I lived in Richmond for many years.

  2. Looks like tons of fun Linn! I’m lovin’ the cowboy hats!

    I must tell you that the other day I was showing Nick your family pic on your blog, to which he said, “Which one is the mom?” Ha! What a great kid!


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