Our Wild Adventure – Part NINE

We have wonderful news!! Friday we talked to our attorney and he has scheduled the first court appearance. We were then able to book the airline reservations. So here’s how it sits:

Monday 12/1
Kiss the handsomest, biggest hearted man in the entire world and two of my sweet babies good bye and fly at dawn through Denver and on to Detroit.
From Detroit we fly to Amsterdam.
From Amsterdam we fly straight to Africa.
It will be late at night on 12/2 when we land and head for a bit of sleep (if I can sleep at all!)

On 12/3 – extra bright and early African time this Mom of Many will run down the hill to the orphanage where my precious promises live….and I will hug them and love them and wipe the tears from my eyes – oh how I cannot wait!! What will they think of me??? We pray they remember Emmy. I am praying that I can find someone to photoshop them into our family photo and I can take it with me so they can see just exactly what they are getting themselves into!

And for the record, I confess, right here and now, that I am hopelessly addicted to blogging. But even apart from the addition – I will try to update my blog from Africa cause faithful friends – I definitely need the prayer support!! This is unchartered waters for me and there is so much that must take place before I can bring my sweet babies home.

If I am unable, for any reason, to access the internet, then my sweet hubby, Dw, will post for me…(it may be short – you know how non-wordy men are – bless their hearts!)…..I believe we may have even several updates on some days. I sincerely am praying that God will bring us to mind for you sweet friends, so that you will continually be praying for our safety, for our protection from Malaria and Yellow Fever, for the judge to grant us favor immediately, for the passports to come quickly, for the little ones to think we are extra special and begin the bonding and want to come with us and for their VISA’s to be granted quickly, so that we can fly home on the 18th of December and start life as a family forever.

So there you go!! I am off to change and get ready – I am doing another ride-a-long tonight.

14 thoughts on “Our Wild Adventure – Part NINE

  1. We are so happy for you all! We will wait excitedly each day to read your posts of God moving mountains to bring home your newest children.

    God bless you through this journey.

    In Christ – Janet, Kevin, Ted, and Philip

  2. Oh how does that announcement not just bring tears to your eyes!!!!! I cannot wait to watch your sweet babies come home! We will pray very specifically as you have requested. What a nighty God we serve! Blessings, Lisa C.

  3. OH How exciting! Wonderful news. I will be praying for you and your family as well. I am drawn to a scripture in Isaiah 42:16-(Message)
    But I’ll take the hand of those who don’t know the way,
    who can’t see where they’re going.
    I’ll be a personal guide to them,
    directing them through unknown country.
    I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don’t fall into the ditch.
    These are things I’ll be doing for them-
    sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.

    Congratulations!!! Praise Jesus!!

  4. wonderful news! i’m not sure i would be able to sleep a wink between now and the time you get to hold and love your precious blessings!
    prayers continue for you and this fantastic, God filled adventure!

  5. I had goosebumps, once again, reading your message!!!!! I am so super excited for you and cannot wait to follow you and pray for you all the way to Africa! And how special for Emmy to get to go back to her beloved Africa so soon!

  6. One thing I don't like about that bloggy follower thing, is sometimes you can miss posts. And I MISSED THIS ONE!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! I had to come find it when I saw that you mentioned something about hopping on a plane in a week!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY???????????? Here I am crying again. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY TEARS!!!!!!!! I WANT TO COME!!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!LOL. I sersiously COULD NOT be more thrilled for you and for those sweet little ones, E&E!!!! Man o day.. what a time that will be!! You know I will be praying hard and continuously!!! And I will SO be clinging to ANY update you can give. Anything at all!!!

    Jumping up and down here with you! HAPPY HAPPY GLORIOUS DAY!

    Thank you JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Much LOVE!

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