Today is our designated day of Prayer and Fasting for sweet little Gracie. If you don’t know what that’s about, you can read it here.
Dw and I started off our prayer time together this AM interceding for little Gracie. How faithful God is and oh-how-much He must love when His children come together for one little girl’s healing.
I find it so cool that it is also no accident that this is the day that Gracie and her mom meet with her surgeon at Mayo. Thank you so much for all of you who sent emails and posted notes. Her family has been totally encouraged by your gracious love for their precious baby girl. Gayle wrote about it all here. Thank you, thank you and thank you for being such sweet bloggy friends!!
Memorial Box Monday is probably one of my favorite days because it reminds us of God’s continual faithfulness in our lives. For those of you who have just found our blog, there is a post explaining our Memorial Box here.
But this Memorial Box Monday I thought I would explain the big Tony the Tiger in our Memorial Box. While I was telling about Our Wild Adventure I mentioned a dream Dw had just before he left for Africa. For those who don’t remember, I will brush you up on it……The dream was two nights (June 28th) before Dw left for Africa. He knew that he knew when he woke up that it had been a prophetic dream.
In the dream there was a giant tiger sitting on top of a rock mountain. There were two tiger cubs at the bottom of the mountain playing together. What I didn’t mention before was that the two tigers were each a boy and a girl. (I didn’t want to give it away to anyone who would have a clue.) Anyway, the two little tiger cubs were frolicking and playing together and then they both started to climb up the rock mountain to where the Big Tiger was sitting. Dw said that when the two cubs reached the top they climbed right up on the big tiger who looked more like Tony the Tiger! Tony the Tiger bent back and laughed and laughed and laughed as these two cubs climbed all over him with reckless abandon. It was no doubt, a very happy prophetic dream!!
Of course, when Dw woke up he had no clue what it all meant. So on July 11th Dw and Emma returned to their room after just having met with the attorney and, Barbara, the orphanage director. He said that he sat down and all of a sudden the interpretation flashed before his eyes. HE WAS THE TONY THE TIGER!! The two baby cubs were our precious Elijah and Elizabeth!! How gracious of God to give us a dream in advance that, once revealed, would show us that God had planned this all before the beginning of time. He was at work to bring Elijah and Elizabeth home long before Dw even boarded the plane!!
And so we have a Tony the Tiger in our Memorial Box, given to us by someone who attends our church. Everytime we look at it we think of how faithful God is and just how miraculous it is that the God of the Entire Universe would take time out to give Dw such a fun dream, that would, before long, confirm His daily work in our lives.
Everytime I think of God’s faithfulness, in little ways and the very gigantic ways, I am reminded that He is always worthy to be praised!! That He cares about the details! That He desperately loves the orphans and that He wants you and me to depend on Him on a daily basis – this mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God!! How we worship His Holy name!! Yippee Jesus!!
And in one week I will already be in the air heading to hold my baby cubs…oh Yippee, Yippee Jesus!!
in tears… how GREAT is our GOD! I love this! He is so in the details…
thank YOU for the smile.. praying and fasting with you!
Lots of LOVE!
Gotta do it….
God is gggrrrrrrrrreat!
God is soooooooooo GOOD! I am always so blessed by your blog.
I hope your family has Happy Thankgsgiving.
Can’t wait to follow your journey!!!!
Who would have ever thought when petitioning China for Isaiah we would not only see his sweet face in your arms, but now THREE more!!!