Liberty and Isaiah on the Home Front….

I have been hearing bits of pieces of all the extra special fun stuff Liberty and Isaiah have been doing without me. Big sis, Abigail, sent a big package filled with fun goodies for them to indulge in with Mommy gone. Thank you sweet Big Sis….you so totally rock!

Then some special friends have included them in all sorts of special times. Thank you Maria for having them over for the day to do some crazy fun stuff. They had a blast and it made the time pass so much quicker.

Tiff had them over for dinner and that was lots of fun for them….Isaiah told me today on the phone that he had so much fun playing with Katrina….

Then Kim had them over and they made Christmas cookies, among other special stuff. Although the internet has been more than dorky tonight here in Uganda, it allowed me to pop on Kim’s site because Dw told me that she had posted pictures of my kids making cookies. Isaiah is working so hard at it too… sweet – my gracious how I miss that baby boy of mine!! I gasped when I saw such sweet pictures of my babies. So this Mama is bragging on how cute they look (but you have to remember I can brag cause I didn’t make them!!)….if you have about a minute, pop over to her sight and check out my sweet baby boy Isaiah and my always-smiling-tender-spirited Liberty making yummy cookies with Kim’s sweet daughter Ashley.

Thank you dear friends for loving my precious treasures for me when I am on the opposite side of the world – you so totally rock!! Love you bunches!! xoxo

PS…I have 5 emails filled with pictures I edited (to make them smaller to be able to send) in emails for Dw to post on the blog….but it won’t even send the emails – ARGGGHHH!!

Tomorrow AM we head with E & E in tow to the US Embassy at 8 AM for our Consular appointment to get Elizabeth and Elijah’s appointment. I thought I would get a couple of snapshots of them standing in front of the United States Embassy (LOL – just kidding – had to make y’all panic)….we have all the papers needed to get their VISA’s with the exception of the Medical Examinations which they were supposed to mail today……

Oh! I almost forgot. When we went for the physical exam the man in the Medical Examinations part said, “When I spoke to you earlier about your appt….blah, blah, blah…” I said, “I didn’t phone earlier”. He said, “Yes you did.” (Ummm dude, I probably would remember if I phoned you at this hospital place….but whatever.) He insisted I phoned earlier with an appointment for two kids and here I was exactly when I had scheduled the supposed appointment….with their appointment book scheduled for a woman with two kids….. Anyway, I firmly believe that the Lord had a precious ministering angel call for the appointment and the space was free and we were able to do it all rather painlessly…ANOTHER miracle!! And no, there was no woman who showed up with two little kids for a VISA appointment while I was sitting there for the better part of THREE hours…….Imagine that!!??!?!? =) Yippee Jesus!! I love God-sized miracles!!

7 thoughts on “Liberty and Isaiah on the Home Front….

  1. Hi Linn, I have so enjoyed following your journey. A friend emailed me the following blog, thought you might love it. It’s the story of a family this past year adopting a little boy and girl at the same time from Uganda:
    My husband, Matt, and I are becoming more and more serious about adopting (we’ve yet to have any kids… soon!)… Would you write a blog sometime about first steps and reputable contacts and information like that?

  2. I need more baby pictures to brighten my day. I was praying this morning that God would give Chris a job with good insurance so we could bring one of those cuties home and then I got a call a couple hours later saying Chris lost his job. So I am praying this is all part of God’s plan to bring one of those babies home (I sure wish it was Martha).
    When I read your post today about why? I held tight to the promise that God wants these kiddos in homes and we are willing to be one of those homes so I’m trusting for a good job.


  3. I have followed your blog for quite a while now, and had to tell you I am in awe of you and your family. I am praying for you and a safe return with your babies. I hope Dw comes to you in Africa to help with the babies on the trip home.

    Praying, praying and praying some more.
    SH in ND

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