Lord, this is my prayer this early morning. Your word is true and amen. You state that true religion is to care for the widows and orphans in their distress. Elijah and Elizabeth are in distress and we desire to care and to love them. Set them free according to your word and move upon the judge to award them to us when court starts in 1 minute. Jesus you came to set the prisoners free. A life without a mom and dad would be a prison of sorts, set them free Lord, set them free. May your name be lifted up in the heavens this morning over Uganda. Send your angels to do battle if necessary. Let mercy come a running. You oh Lord are God over Uganda, over the courts. Have your way Lord, have your way. Move any mountain that would prevent these children from coming home to us. Linn was born for such a time as this may she be strong and courageous. Our God Reigns! It is now time, let the court proceeding begin, and may you reign over every word, every gesture, every thought today. Today is the day you have made!