The Bathroom

Just about 3 weeks ago I wrote a blog post about how we had solved the towel dilemna. You, my bloggy buddies, remember it I know….I was so tickled with the outcome and it was really working beautifully. Here are some “before” and “after” shots….. Right after Elijah and Elizabeth came home I wrote a post about finding Elizabeth up in the middle of the night lining up stuff in the bathroom…….The bathroom now…..
I am so thankful for the pictures I took that demonstrate what a sweet little log cabin we had….take pictures friends, take pictures of everything!

17 thoughts on “The Bathroom

  1. Thank you for reminding us to take pictures. It’s something we often neglect because of our busy lives. I’m so thankful you have some to remind you of your beautiful home. Continued prayers here my friend.

  2. Oh friend—how painful to see these pics. Wow, how I wish I could just turn back the hands of time…and none of this would have happened. But, there is such peace in knowing that none of what has happened has taken the Father by surprise. I love the way He is comforting you along the way—sweet pics of your precious Jubilee, visits from precious friends—all the things your heart needs at this time. He is soooo good to you. Sending you a HUGE hug this Sunday, may your day be filled with many blessings, and may He spoil you with precious time with family and your dear friends 🙂

  3. That just breaks my heart. Photos like these make it REAL for those of us who aren’t experiencing the loss personally. Makes us appreciate things more. I am so very sorry for your losses! I know it’s just STUFF, but it doesn’t make it any less devastating to lose it. 🙁 It’s so personal.

    I wish I could box stuff up and just send it to you…send stuff for the kids….I am praying fervently for you though!

  4. I do love pictures. I remember those from not too long ago; I loved that creative towel idea. I am so sorry for all you lost, so evident in such photos. But I know that you will again have a beautiful home to enjoy. It seems like your home was almost a friend, the way you have always mentioned her, and I hope your new eventual home will be just to your liking, as well. Not the same, of course, but one you will grow to love and create memories in.

    On a smaller scale … in early December, my in-laws were robbed while they slept upstairs. It was scary and very difficult for them to find peace and closure. Among other replaceable items (mostly electronics and cash) that were stolen, both their cars were stolen. They were eventually found, but completely totalled. So my MIL had to buy a new car. She got the same model, but much newer and much nicer. However, she was quite mad because she HAD to buy the car, she had not chosen to buy it. She resented that, and I don’t blame her. Well, by now, she does like that car, but she still speaks with much love for her old one that she had owned for many years, and taken such wonderful care of.

    I guess my point is that I know you will never have YOUR home back again, but I pray that God leads you to a new home or a rebuilt-version of yours … which you can eventually feel at home in, and make memories in, and find peace in, too. You must feel terribly unsettled, and I pray that each day brings you more hope and love and strength.

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  5. Oh Linn. My heart is breaking for you. I actually thought of your sweet towel arrangement one night last week – thinking about how it was now gone. You are all in my prayers – daily. I am glad that you have this blog to vent, I hope it is theraputic for you.

    And the pictures you posted with your friends was such a blessing. It was so nice to see the kids with smiling faces. Praise God for His peace and praise God for sweet friends being there, taking care of you in your time of need.

  6. Actually, funny you post this! I lost a handful of some very precious pics to a hard drive crash/virus/who knows! Anyway, I was in bed last night with my stomach in knots and my chest heavy….I was just sick about it….

    I came to your blog the day after the fire…I was speachless reading your post on the fire…it was surreal. I have to be honest, I thought it was awful, it made me think about my own home, but because, I did’t “experience” it, its hard to “know” your pain. That night, I shut my laptop and though, “well, God will pull them through…they are going to be just fine…”

    Lastnight, as I was sick over pictures, I began to think of people who don’t even have a home or car. I began to think about people that don’t even have a camera….I began to think about people that would trade the loss of their own child for all the pictures in their home…I looked over at my sweet 14 month and began to think that though I lost some pictures, I had a child here, in the living flesh….then….my mind was brought to you and oh, how my heart began to ache…years of memories gone within minutes…gone….not a few pics on a hard drive, a house full of memories…gone….then I “knew”, then I “felt” your loss. However, then I realized how thankful we are, to have what we have, but mostly we have each other….

    Thank you! Kristy

  7. Oh it is SO important to take photos. There are so many times that I will second guess a photo because of the cleanliness of our home … that is not a good attitude and I am choosing to change it today! Thank you for your post Linn.

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  8. We have been out of the loop for awhile do to computer problems but so sick to here of your current trial your family is experiencing. However, it is just confirmation that the will of the Lord is being accomplished in your family's life and the enemy is on the prowl to try to steal, kill and destroy. Anxiously awaiting to see God's glorious works come to pass as we know we are more than conquerors and God will bring a surpassing victory!
    Love your blog family and brothers and sisters in Christ,
    Jason & Shari Miner and Future Baby Ethiopia

  9. It is amazing to see what smoke damage can do! I’m so sorry that your precious towels looks like this.

    I’m so thankful that Godis bringing you sweet friends and good news about Jubilee to remind you that He is still God.

    Many prayers!!!!

  10. hey there Linny…we are still praying and trusting and knowing God is in control. The God who can move mountains is holding you all right now and HE is in control. Also…wanted to say I loved the photos of Jubilee…what unspeakable! Love and hugs from Fort Leavenworth

  11. I hope you don’t mind (I don’t think you will), but I have lifted your family’s name up in prayer at my church. Your family/blog/love of God is such an inspiration!
    ~Jensine- knapp, wi

  12. Oh, Miss Linn, I am sorry. Those pictures were hard for me (not near so hard as it is for you, I’m sure). What was once so full of warmth and life is now cold and desolate; barren. Luckily, God is the Restorer of Life. I know He’s shown it in my life. What was once lifeless isn’t so anymore. I pray that will be the way it is for your home.

  13. I can’t help but think of the song by Superchick, “Beauty From Pain” when I see these photos, then I see the smiles of teh children and know that you will be okay. I am praying that the peace that passes all understanding will fill the charred remains of your beloved cabin.

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