Let’s All Help

Hi, it’s Lori again. I haven’t heard from Linn all afternoon (Jo Jo or anyone else close to L & D, please find my email on my blog & send me whatever updates you might have). She is no doubt dealing with way more than she ever imagined possible. It is heavy on my heart and of many of yours that we need to help these sweet friends of ours. I’m not sure when Linn will be back up and blogging again but I’m more than happy to keep helping out with updates as long as she needs.

I have been a puddle of mush all day trying to figure out what we should do for them…cash, gift cards….it was even suggested we have a “blog shower”…which I love! Please swing on over to my blog & let’s brainstorm so we can get something put together quickly. Click HERE to my blog.

20 thoughts on “Let’s All Help

  1. Lori.

    My thoughts exactly… I am just sick… want so badly to help… but don’t know how to other than to pray. I am on board for whatever. Anything! I will head to your blog.. And praying for an update soon!!!!


  2. Linn & Dw and family, you are in my prayers as you have been for some time. I've been lurking but never posted a comment before, although I feel sort of like I know you. Your posts have lifted me up so much, I hope that we are able to do something for you in return during this difficult time.


  3. Oh Lori, Praise God that He has given Linn and her family such a dear friend. I am with you a puddle of mush is a good description. I am heading to your blog now. Blessings, Lisa C.

  4. This family has inspired so many through Linn’s blogging. I hope we can do something. I’ll be praying and head to your blog, Lori, to brainstorm.

  5. Oh, my goodness! My husband is a firefighter, and is working today. He was describing an apartment fire that he had just been to, right when I was checking your blog for the day, and saw your horrible news! 🙁
    So sorry to hear of this tragic event! So thankful to God, our protector, for protecting your precious family! Please, please let us know of ANYTHING we can do to help you! I don’t know where you live, other than in the rockies. I have a sister in Windsor, CO. If you’re anywhere near her, I know she would love to help in any way she can!
    Know that you are in my prayers!
    Keep us updated as you’re able.
    Sending love and hugs!

  6. Oh my goodness—I have not been online all day. I just checked—and this! I am sooooo thankful that everyone is safe—but so very sad for your loss. Uuuggg, I just cannot imagine. PRAYING and standing with you at this time. May the Father restore EVERYTHING to you that has been lost and may He give you beauty for ashes—literally!
    Oh I am so heartbroken for you—wish there was something I could do to help. Please keep us updated on anything that we can do from a distance.
    Love and big hugs

  7. The Chip-in would be a really fast way to get money to these wonderful people NOW. Mailing clothes, etc. would take so long, especially from here as we live in Illinois. I think Chip-in can use pay pal which is a very safe way to get money to them. I’ll wait to see when it is set up!

  8. Oh Linn, Dw and kids I am so saddened by this news. I began praying as I was reading the posts. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers and will lift you in this time of need. May God Bless you greatly.

    Faye Verquer

  9. Linn, DW and kids, I was so saddened by this news. I began praying as I continued to read the posts. I pray you are all safe and that some bright light will come of this dark moment. God Bless all of you.

  10. I am a lurker out of hiding. I am soooooo sorry. I am on my knees praying. Please whatever you need let us know. We will help in anyway we can. I can send clothes,toys,overnight if need be. Know that you are never alone. There is an army of Christians praying for you tonight all over the world!!!!

  11. Linn,

    I am so sorry to hear your news. We’ll be praying for you and your beautiful family. Our God is faithful in all things and this too shall turn out for his glory.

  12. Lynn, a fellow blogger sent me to your site today. Three years ago, I stood in the exact place you stand today. I know what it’s like to start the day without even a toothbrush. I also know what it’s like to come to the realization that if your family is safe, that’s all you need. I am thanking God that your family is safe, and I am praying for you during this time of rebuilding. If you need anything, please let me know.

  13. Like Sally, I have been a “silent lurker” although you have been in my prayers since I first began following your AWESOME journey and I feel as if you are friends from afar. Tonight, those prayers are intensified a thousandfold! I am thankful that you are all safe, but know that your hearts are hurting. May God comfort you and sustain you all.

  14. Like Sally, I have been a “silent lurker” and considered you “friends from afar”, praying for you as I have followed your AWESOME story. Tonight, my prayers are of gratitude that you are all safe, but also of petition that God comforts and sustains you in this difficult time. I’m sure I speak for others when I say “Don’t hesitate to share your needs with your web friends.” We want to be here and support you as much as your nearby friends do!

  15. Oh my. Please let her know one more person is praying too. acutally – all of us- that’s 4 more, and I will tell others too. I will keep checking in to see what’s need – prayer or otherwise…

  16. Oh Linn, I am heartbroken for you and the loss of your beloved log home. Praise Jesus that all of your precious family is safe and together.
    We will continue to pray for strength to get through this and provision for a new home and belongings.
    We love you all!

  17. DW and Linn~
    Oh how we hurt for you in this tragedy. We’re so thankful you and the family are safe. Linn, I know you are constantly praising God for His wisdom in leading you as you brought all to safety. We are praying and will continue to ask God to remain faithful and ever present as you walk these difficult steps. You have been such an encouragement to us in your passion for the orphans. We are fellow pastor and wife and know as well the richness of relationship with our “flock” and know God will provide richly for you in every need. May God give you rest tonight as you hold hands with every little blessing God has beautifully brought into your life.
    Much Love, Paula and Randy Jacoby (parents to Addie Ruth from Journey to Me)

  18. Linny,
    So incredibly sorry to hear about your day!! Praise God your precious family is safe!! I don’t know where exactly you live, but my parents have a cabin up in the mountains, up Poudre Canyon(Up from Ft. Collins). I’m certain they would love for you to get some use out of it, if there is any way that would be helpful!

    Keep us posted!

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your home but I am glad your family is safe. Where in the Rocky Mountains are you? I live in Colorado and would love to help. Food, clothes, toys? Please let me know if we are close enough. Thanks. YOur family will be in our prayers.

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