Live Feed of Services – 10:45 AM Mountain Standard Time

If you are interested in watching our service Sunday January 18, 2009 click here.

It may take a few minutes to come on…… please be patient…..

10:45 am – MST

If you do watch the service, please drop a comment on this post so we know you were with us…it would really mean alot!!

44 thoughts on “Live Feed of Services – 10:45 AM Mountain Standard Time

  1. I tried and tried to get on and get live feed service but it would not work. I am sure it was awesome. We are continuing to pray for your family. Each day will get better. We love you guys.

    Lisa Freeman
    Newark, Ohio

  2. Rushed home from our church to get this & couldn't. Recently switched to a Mac & I guess don't have the right software. I hope it will become a podcast, as I already listen to you there. Thinking of you all.

  3. I have been following your blog for a few months now. I’m watching your live feed now and my heart is breaking for you. I live here in Durango, my neighbor is your worship pastor, and you’ve got a great group of people around you. My prayers are with you right now – and it’s been a while since I’ve prayed.

  4. Linn and Dwight,

    Saw you guys and your awesome message. May the Lord sustain you in the coming days and weeks, may he give you peace and strength. Know that we are praying for you.


    Ann Marie (Joyfully Busy)

  5. Linn and DW,
    I was with you as you spoke from your heart. I went before the Lord on your behalf. I pray he grants you peace, wisdom, strength and joy. As DW said….”Satan, you picked on the wrong family”. The family of GOD!!! Thank you for sharing your time of grief and by doing so, may you start your healing. God Bless you ALL.

    Because HE Lives,

  6. We were watching from Grand Prairie TX. Our family stayed home from our church, a little under the weather. Beautiful service. We will continue to pray for you as you grieve.

  7. I watched your service and I just want you to know I’m still praying for you all! Just seeing how painful this whole thing has been for you just breaks my heart. But I’m so greatful that we have a great God and that He knows the beginning from the end and in the end He will get the Glory! Stay strong and if you have any needs please post them on the blog so we can all help with your healing.
    God Bless
    Denise from Michigan

  8. Linn,

    What an amazing job you and your husband did when you spoke today. My name is Cindy and I live in South Carolina. I have been following your blog for the last week and diligently praying for your family each day. As I came is from church today, I went to your blog to check on you all. What a pleasant surprise to see the live feed of your precious testimony. I know many people received a true blessing from your words, courage to speak, and most of all the example of faith in Christ you all displayed. Please know I will continue to pray and lift you all up in the days ahead.

    As a side note, we are in the process of adopting from China. We should receive our referral in the next few weeks. Your strong advocacy for adoption and children is such a blessing. I am inspired even more.

    Thanks again for sharing all you have in the last few days.

    Much love and blessings,
    Simpsonville, SC

  9. Linny and Dwight,

    You both are such strong, wonderful people. We weren’t able to watch the entire service but know that my sister and I are praying for you today and everyday.

    Becky and Tamara C.
    Panama City, FL

  10. YIPPEE JESUS!!!!

    I caught the tale end of you and Dwight speaking. You have beat the enemy again! I watched the rest of your service also. It was great. I think I moving to Durango. Ha Ha
    Have a blessed day!

    Newark, Ohio

  11. Hi Linn!

    I missed the beginning of the service, for some reason it would open for me, but I was able to hear the sermon… I know it wasn’t DW, but it was a GREAT sermon, and knowing your story, you are such a beautiful picture of what it means to stand firm!

    Hope you are doing well!


  12. God Bless you all – just finished watching the live service, and was so blessed by listening to you. I’ve followed your blog for a little bit now (not sure how I came across it!). I have been deeply encouraged today – couldn’t get out to church due to snow today – and was glad I got to listen to this.
    Barbara Anderson in CT
    (adoptive mom to 4 from China, 3 bio, and 4 grandkids)

  13. Hello: Got a chance to listen in – will keep you in mind and praying for you. Take the time you need. Go to that sacred place and wait. You will be renewed.

    Thanks for helping us to change the batteries in the smoke detectors – did that last night – and to be more aware in the present of the gift we have in our family.

  14. I was there! You and Dwight spoke beautifully and from the heart. Know that I will be praying for you guys everyday and that everytime I pray for Steve to be safe and protected in Iraq and I will pray for Ty as well.

    Pastor Mark’s word illustrations were quite vivid. It was easy to understand his message. My what a curveball you guys have been thrown! But it’s so inspiring to see you standing and facing it. God will prop you guys up when your legs won’t hold you any longer – just lean on Him and trust that He will be there!

    We love you! Jamie K

  15. hey! Didn’t get to see it all, but did see you and Dwight…toward the end …when you were talking about Ty and then watched the sermon. We didn’t get home from Chapel in time to see the entire service. I will check in to see if we can download the pod cast or something…I really wanted to hear more of you two….hugs to you both and each of your sweet family. I am so thankful you are surrounded by so many precious” brothers and sisters”
    love from ft. Leavenworth

  16. Thank you for sharing your story to me. Satan is real and I have experienced my broken adoption which I know He loves that it did not work out. I am praying for another opportunity to adopt internationally again, but because of the last adoption doors are closing. Satan wants me to just sit back and never try again, but I know from my childhood I was called to adoption. Our God is so much bigger than this! But I am struggling with knowing if He wants this for my life when doors are closing. Once again you are beam of light in the adoption world and for JESUS!

  17. Hi Linn. I have been following your blog since just before you went to Uganda to adopt Elizabeth and Elijah and I have been truly blessed by the strength of your faith. I want a faith like yours! My husband and I got up at 4.00 am Monday morning (we are 18 hours ahead of your time here in Australia) to get ready to watch your service this morning. It was so encouraging to see that your faith is unwavering at such a difficult time in your lives, and that you hold so firmly to your conviction to serve God supremely. We really appreciated Mark’s message too. We are praying for your family.

    Vanessa (pastor’s wife and mum to 2 precious China girls) – Australia

  18. I was able to watch your church service, Linn. It was wonderful. I know, in the end, you all will be fine. But, hey! Prayer is a wonderful thing, and God is most definitely beside you on this journey you are on. I get shivers every time I think about you getting that smoke detector working just the day before. Wow! Another God Thing!

  19. I tried to watch but I couldn’t get it to go. If your church makes DVD’s of it I would love to buy one and see it.

    I have been reading more of your blog today. I started reading from the beginning of it this weekend. Linny, you have taught me so very much. Someday I will share more with you but I can tell you that you have opened my eyes to a lot of things I think God has been trying to show me for a very long time. Thank you!

  20. Dear Linn and Dwight-
    I rushed home trying to make your service after our service ( I am in TN on eastern time) All the ladies in my Sunday School class have your website and are praying for you! I had the hardest time and almost gave up– but Satan did NOT win!! I was able to view the service! Hang in there- and I know God will give you beauty for ashes!


  21. Dear Linn and DW,

    We were able to get your church service this morning on our computer. Our hearts and prayers go out to you all at this difficult time. Thank you so much for sharing your struggles and triumphs in your walk with Christ. May God bless your family for their faithfulness.

    In Christ,
    Janet and Kevin

  22. Hi Linn and Dw,

    I tried to get the feed, but every time I clicked the link, I just got the “ready” screen. Nothing happened any of the times I hit play. I’m sorry I missed it. 🙁

    Love, Amy

  23. I have not been able to stop thinking of you and praying for you since I heard the news of your house fire. Today when I saw where you are Pastors, I nearly started to cry. I attend a 4Square church in Denver and have many memories of friends and pastors from Durango. Durango has always had some of the greatest leaders and I’m sure you and your family are as well. I will continue to pray for you and think of you often. Love to all. Laura

  24. As I was sick at home this morning, I was able to watch your service. I found your testimony very moving. My heart breaks for you and your family and what you are going through. Don’t worry…we won’t forget about you and will continue to pray for all of you.

  25. We tried for about an hour but the streaming video never started. I am glad that so many were able to see the service. Looking forward to the hearing it when you post on your podcast.

    Keith & Judy

  26. Linn,
    We were able to join the service just as you and Dwight came up to share. Thank you for allowing us to join with you as part of your family in Christ. I would so love to take one of the 3 hour shifts with you to help share the burden of sifting through the ashes. I’m sorry that we are too far away to help physically, but I know that God has given you many to walk next to you. We will continue to lift you up in prayer.
    Lyn in Williamsburg

  27. You’re family is a gift for all of us to learn from. You are being prayed for daily by myself and my friends in WI! Please know that what you are doing and the strenth you are sharing is touching more people than you ever know.
    You are one of God’s children and from reading your blog- I know you will survive!
    God Bless you all.

  28. Hey girl…

    Wouldn’t work for me… ugh. Tried several times, but I guess that is what a live stream video is, eh. gotta catch it live. I’m learning! Please pop it onto pod-cast so that all of us who missed it can catch it.
    As I know it will not only be something we want to hear, but that we need to hear.

    I am just tickled at how many people are now following, coming out to comment and support and pray for you all. None of this was a surprise to God, and look what He is doing with this… The enemy was NOT expecting this. God will be glorified through this all… and there are some whose faith will be strenthened.. more orphans will come home to forever families, all for the Glory of God. That makes my heart smile BIG.

    I love you tons and tons, and know that I am praying for you and wishing I were there to help. IN any way. YOu need anything girl, you know where to find me. Need to chat, ring me up. Know that I will be working on our project as this has fueled my passion even further. The enemy will not thwart our work for the kingdom.

    Love you tons. Hugs to you all.


  29. Hello my name is Kristy, I am one of your sisters in Christ, and I live in a small town in Texas near San Antonio. I think you are incredible and I think your family is absolutely beautiful. It breaks my heart to know that you lost your home, but I am so thankful that all of you are ok and safe. I plan on following your blog if that’s ok, I would love for you to stop by mine , I would really like to get to know you. God bless all of you.

    Love and blessings, Kristy

  30. Okay, I’ve been trying to post you a comment for two days and everytime I think I have it done, Satan does something to it!!!!!
    Anyway, I have been trying to say that you are an inspiration to me. After all that you have been through, your faithfulness to our sweet Jesus has become a light in my world. I also want you to know that I pray for Tyler everyday.I have a son the same age who I almost lost a few years ago, so I know your fears. God will prevail!!!

  31. Linn and Dwight,

    Even in the midst of tragedy you continue to bless lives for the Lord. We are praying for you here in NJ!!!

    In Him,
    Susan (mom to 5, 2 from China..and also a military family!)

  32. Oh dang—it would not happen for us! Maybe our mac was not compatible? I have no idea. I am bummed—would so love to have seen and heard you both. Looking at the comments, it must have been AWESOME! Go God!
    Linny, please update us (who could not hear the video) on how things are going—I have been thinking about you all day, wonder how you and your precious family are. Send any specific prayer requests our way. Tomorrow is my day to fast—-ooohhh, your family is number one on my list 🙂 Trusting that the new week will be full of sweet blessings. Trusting that everything that needs to happen as a result of the fire, will happen. As my family has been praying for you, we are certain of ONE thing in all of this—GOD IS GOING TO USE THIS FOR HIS GLORY!!!!! What a joy it is going to be to see how things unfold in the days and weeks ahead.
    Continuing to pray….
    Thank you for allowing me to journey with you.

  33. Linn-
    I’m finally able to make comments on your blog. I am so so sorry about the fire. We are praying for you and your family. My folks went through Katrina a few years back and lost everything. I so related your sharing to their feelings when you talked about turning off the alarm and then no slippers etc. That motor memory of the motions is so hard to train anew. Thanks for publicy sharing your comments of strength and standing by your convictions on adoption and sharing about the vengeance of the enemy. Makes me mad, so I will put those feelings into prayer for you all!! Things have changed in our situation with Joseph…makes me sad…but we are trusting in God’s plans and rejoicing in him having a forever family.

  34. Did not watch the service, but think of you often. Thinking that someday I may make the 4 hour drive to come give you a hug. (not in a weird bloggy stalker kind of way, but in a Sister in Christ kind of way) Don’t worry, I’m really too shy to do that unless we got to know each other first! 😉 But I really have a feeling I’d like you!

    You are in our prayers. I cannot imagine the scope of your loss. The wonderful thing in all this is that our Jesus is the same today as He was before the fire. Blessed be the name of the Lord, and may He richly bless you.

    love, Karina 🙂

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