Thankful Thursday – Bloggy Friends – WOW – Unbelievable!!!

This Thankful Thursday I have to give the Lord a gigantic, gargantuan, enormous amount of thankfulness for Bloggy Friends Far and Near….You guys are unbelievable….we have begun to receive cards and boxes from around the country and truthfully, we were shocked!! Once the initial shock of your love for us settled in we feel abundantly blessed, humbled beyond words and tickled to pieces….we just shake our heads that through our blog you have come out in droves to pray for us and love on us through this season of grief and pain. You guys totally rock!!

You who sent cards, thank you!! We read each one and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I thought that for each of you who so lovingly packed up a box for us I wanted to kind of honor you and show all the other friends and by posting pictures of the treasures you blessed us with……we have sat around our hotel room, as a family and opened each one, oooohing and ahhhhing over the contents……Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! These treasures have been some moments of sunshine during these rough days…all because of you guys!
Our kids, having lost everything to the fire have been dealing with many emotions….deep sadness and grief….many tears too. We have worked in orphanages as a family and are not extravagant people. We know that we don’t “deserve” anything. It is one thing though to intentionally downsize or give away, it is entirely something different to have it all taken in the matter of just 2-1/2 hours. Having very few stores to select from in our little town, most of the things we did own we purchased when we go a couple of times a year to a big city, like Denver or Phoenix. And being a big family, clothes from special stores that teenagers like, is just a rare treat.
We were amazed how the boxes have not duplicated each other at all, but have totally warmed our hearts, met needs (a few wants too!) and made us smile….
This box was from Julie from Illinois: For real, this was Emma’s expression when she saw your presents….I was so tickled to catch her elated expression on camera…

Graham is very shy and reserved, so it’s not likely to catch a look of sheer delight – unless perhaps it has to do with drums or perhaps guitars…LOL

I love, love, love my journal and pen – – – – it’s totally “Me”…having, once upon a time, been accused of being a “prolific writer” I confess I love to write and I love to write in my prayer journals….and they were all lost to the fire….so thank you!!

Then this box was from: Christie from Texas…..

Now Christie, you had no idea that our Emmy is a lip gloss girl…so she was jumping up and down for those lip glosses you packaged up “for her”….She probably would be considered to have a lip gloss fettish as she was so bummed to have lost 40+ lip glosses in the fire. (And as for the fettish….the way we look at it, lip gloss is waaaay cheaper than shoes.)
And the finger puppets…..little did you know that the very day your package arrived I had found one of our little finger puppets – a giraffe – all soot covered and yukky and as dumb as it sounds I had felt sad – I LOVE finger puppets!! Yipppeee Jesus – we have a new bunch!!

Ann Marie, Jerry and their 5 kids from Virginia wrote sweet letters sharing our loss. We were deeply touched. Ann Marie had her kids pray about what to send and they gathered special things and one was the coolest Spiderman get-up for Isaiah…and so he spins his web and catches the bad guys with great skill again!! =)Michelle from North Carolina sent several things including some adorable clothes for Elizabeth and this sweet blanket…Elizabeth promptly claimed it as hers and wore it until she took it and put it in HER crib…I had to laugh, she was not giving it up!!…..(ps Michelle – your family is GORGEOUS!)

Sarah and Matt and Lilli from the DC area sent a bunch of beautiful things for the kids…And Sarah, I have to tell you…not all the kids made it out of the house with coats because we couldn’t find them all…Elizabeth’s winter coat was a pink one that I had found for her while in Alaska. It was lost to the fire. This one was almost identical and looks so sweet on her! Perfect!!A bloggy friend from up near Denver sent us a big box filled with goodies, including Christmas presents for all the kids!! Too fun – they were tickled to pieces as is evidenced in the pics….

More boxes with pictures to follow…….but I have to get this posted before Thankful Thursday is almost over! =)

27 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday – Bloggy Friends – WOW – Unbelievable!!!

  1. Those are just the sweetest pictures. What a blessing!! I am so thankful that your family is being blessed by so many people- you truly deserve such love!

    Your kids are all so beautiful!

  2. Those are so awesome and so amazing!! GOD IS SO INCREDIBLE!!!! I love how HE led people to just the things your kids loved, needed, or had before!! WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!

  3. We are all seeing a Biblical truth happen, that is for sure. You all have given so much to others, and now God is blessing you with gifts. How beautiful is that?!!

    Your family’s story has certainly blessed us and many others around the country. WE WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT WE TOOK THE LEAP OF FAITH TO FOLLOW WHAT GOD HAS BEEN TELLING US FOR MONTHS TO DO!! Last week we got the money together to apply again with our adoption agency! After praying and feeling like God was leading us to China again (we just returned with our Philip from China this past summer), we applied again!

    I am sure that others who read your blog are beginning to feel God’s call to adopt again or for the first time. I am betting that others have also applied recently!! So out of sadness and your earthly trials, God has been at work (as He always is!!) opening up other family hearts to adopt a precious orphan child! God is good! Keep preaching His word. Your family is such an advocate for the orphan! What love and beauty shines through your blog – God certainly uses it in a powerful way!

    We are currently praying hard this week because our agency called back and said that they felt China was closed to us. My husband had cancer 22 years ago but has been cancer free for all of those years! We only were able to adopt Philip because we sent our dossier in before China changed the rules! Now we are waiting word from our agency. They were going to call their Beijing staff and have them ask CCAA on our behalf if we could adopt again with them even though Kevin had cancer.

    We know God is way bigger than any of this and that this is not a surprise to Him. We could use the prayers for CCAA to accept Kevin’s cancer history or for God to lead us somewhere else!

    We will continually keep you in our prayers. Your love for our Lord is something to see!

    Janet and Kevin Bourke
    Ted and Philip

  4. Ahhhh…this made me cry. I’m so delighted in my Christian brothers and sisters around the world that I haven’t ever met. You have such a beautiful family and you are deserving because you are sons and daughters of the King!

  5. What a sweet family of Christ! This is truly the CHURCH how He intended it to be! I am not surprised, but just delighted! Thank you for sharing daily, I know that must be time consuming.

  6. Wow! What blessings and what fun!! I love the spiderman costume! Thank goodness he is there to protect the family from the bad guys!
    Your children are so beautiful and they look so happy with their gifts!
    Blessings to all of you!

  7. I was wondering if you scrapbook and wanted any supplies? I've been looking for someone who could benefit from them and I no longer have the time. I also have MANY household and garage items I could fill a truck with. I'd be glad to drive it down when the time comes to need them again.

    Andrea (Pagosa & Colorado Springs)

  8. This blesses my socks off–way to go family of God! Though we are many we are ONE body in Jesus Christ. May the Lord turn beauty from these ashes. Praying and praising in Uganda.

  9. wow on the tears!! i was blown away by people’s thoughtfulness and generousity!! what an amazing gift the internet is!!
    thanking Gof for the smiles of joy i saw. may you continue to experience the abundant life!!
    blessings to you

  10. The family of God is amazing! I’m so glad that many were able to be such a blessing. The pictures are priceless! What memories you will all have about how being showered by strangers.

    Many, many prayers!

  11. I am so glad the kids are getting things that bring smiles to their faces.
    That journal is beautiful! I know from reading your blog God will provide every little thing your family needs. I have been telling everyone how God even provided you 3 shower rods when you ask for 2. I love that you even ask God for the little things and he provides for you.

  12. How wonderful to see how people pull together in the time of need. Your kiddos have the biggest smiles on there faces. I am sure you will continue to blessed in all of this.

    We continue to pray daily for your family. My husband and kids ask about you guys each day and how you are doing.

    God Bless!

    Newark, Ohio

  13. Linny, I must be hormonal today! I’m all teary seeing them so happy and smiling. It’s amazing how God put it on so many hearts to send them gifts…to see those smiles. They will probably be having “Christmas” for many months to come. Hugs, my friend. Big Hugs!

  14. This is great!! I love all the happy pictures of your kids. I know they are so thankful for things they receive from complete strangers and even the little simple things like toothpaste and deodorant can mean so much! Still keeping you and your family in my prayers!

  15. Such joy … yay! God just shines in their eyes, every day, doesn’t He?

    Our box is almost ready to ship; just picked up a few things for Liberty today. We have had great fun putting together the box, mostly from items that my children are donating from their own personal collection of toys, books, etc. Will email you when we ship it.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  16. Oh my, I was SO blessed watching all the kids open their gifts. It brought tears to my eyes to see how happy just a few simple things brought joy to them. I am praying that God continues to meant your hearts and bring you joy.

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  17. What a blessing it was to find your blog last night. I stayed up way to late reading and being encouraged and inspired. i rejoiced as I read what God is doing in and through your family and your faith is such a beautiful testimony. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us in blog land. We are truly blessed.

    I’m not sure if the fire has sidelined your summer trip to Uganda, but if not, I would love more info if there is room.

    I would also love for you to email me at and tell me what your greatest needs are right now. I would loe to help in any way I can. If you are interested in coming to Alabama, your family is welcome to stay at our lake house…. much more room than a hotel! Until then you and your beautiful family will be in our prayers! I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday… let the kids give you a ride on the luggage cart 🙂


  18. Wow…how totally cool to see God at work putting your needs on the hearts of people to send just the right gifts! I mean…who would have thought to send finger puppets if not prompted by God?! Your post put a big smile on my face tonight. 🙂

  19. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to be so gracious and kind even when you have so much to deal with right now. You will indeed have many jewels on your crown!

    The wonderful gifts to your family are a wonderful testimony of what the body of Christ ought to look like. Is it possible to give us some ideas of your most immediate needs? And also some wants for the kids?


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