The Yellow Ribbon Hangs Again (this time on our hotel door)

Our oldest son has once again left for his depl*yment. He serves our country with great skill and we are extremely proud of him. Yet, his job puts him in great peril. With the house having just been destroyed by fire we are already under extreme stress. His depl*yment only compounds it all. This mama would like to have all my married and grown kids move into our hotel with us and not allow anyone to leave without us going as a group. Realistic? No! But just sharing what I am feeling.

Today we heard some helicopters went down in the Middle E*st. Our son Tyler’s mode of transportation while depl*yed is helicopter.

I then texted my cousin’s wife Jamie. Her husband (my cousin) is a helicopter pilot and currently depl*yed as well. She texted me back and said she was sitting with the spouse of a fallen soilder.

If we should cross your mind, please pray for our Ty’s safety, as well as the safety of rest of the military and their families. Several of you bloggy friends are military wives and military moms and we pray for you and we always thank you for your sacrifices!!

46 thoughts on “The Yellow Ribbon Hangs Again (this time on our hotel door)

  1. Will be praying for Tyler and all military men and women. Also lifting you and your family in prayer. You will get thru all of these trials with the help of God!
    big hugs to your whole family.

  2. As a former Army spouse I feel for you and all the other mothers and wives in your shoes. I will add Ty to my prayers, I have met so many amazing Ty’s in my time living on military posts, the one’s that open the door for you and your small children, the one that looks down and smiles when erroneously called daddy by my child wrapped on his leg, my favorite time was having those young single guys over for dinner and thinking about how much their moms must miss them. Praying for you and your family too (and little Jubilee).
    God Bless.

  3. Thank you so much for the sacrifices made by Tyler and by your entire family. Words are not enough. We are truly, truly grateful for our military men and women, and for their families, too. You are always in our prayers these days, and we will add an extra special one for Tyler. May God keep him safe, and bring him home safely.

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  4. Know that Tyler has a specific place in my prayers for your family! Hope you are holding up ok and that you feel God’s presence close to you as you deal with soooo much!

  5. Know that Tyler has a specific place in my prayers for your family! Hope you are holding up ok and that you feel God’s presence close to you as you deal with soooo much!

  6. I’m fairly new to your blog…can you explain why you use an * in certain words….

    I, too, have a terrible fear of fire, and my house burning down. I’ve been following your story with a broken heart for you, I just can’t imagine…
    You are in my prayers.

  7. praying God’s safety for Ty and others serving.
    Tylers bravery is awesome, but as a parent it must be so overwhelming on an hourly basis to think of your son serving. as a mother, i would know God is in control, but worry constantly. he would never leave my mind. in all of that , though, so proud that the son you both raised is willing to put himself on the line for his country. so amazed that there are people out there doing that for me and my families freedom.

  8. I’m sitting here crying for you, them, anyone who’s gone through what ya’ll have. I’m so glad I happened across this blog. It touched my heart.
    I love and appreciate our soldiers and their loved ones so much. God bless you all.

  9. I am so grateful for what all the men and women who defend our doing! I will be praying for all of you, but especially Ty! May God place a hedge of protection around your sweet boy!

    Stacie ( TN)

  10. When I saw that today my heart went into my throat, and I thought of Ty. And I thought of those 4 who died and their families who will hear the news. Breaks my heart. I will be praying for Ty and for all of those who serve for us… I thank God everyday for each and every one of them, and for their families who sacrifice so much so that we don’t have to.

    Hugs to you dear friend~

  11. That is exactly why I do not follow the news especially when Joe is depl*yed. This ar*y mama is praying for you and knows your heart so well! Ugh, that sick to my stomach feeling, I know so well and as I read your post it comes right back as if Ty was mine! I pray that God puts a hedge around Ty and keeps him safe.

  12. WE thank God for our Military and pray for their safety. Also, for the families of those serving. I guess we all have some relatives serving all over.
    God Bless you and Keep your Son safe!!

  13. As I sit here and think about all you have endured. My prayers and specific pleas are lifted up to the Lord for Tyler. He is such a cool guy. I am blessed to work with him in the youth group.. to laugh with him at stupid stuff and to be in awe of him as he serves this country and makes us all so proud. Every day I will pray for him Linn. Every day I will bring him to the Lord… I will be persistant in prayer Linn. Love you, Jen

  14. We will be praying from him. Does he or anyone in his unit need people to write to them? Let us know, your blogging friends would love to drop our service men and women a line of support and thanks.
    Sheri Keys

  15. I’m putting Tyler on my daily prayer list. My son, Ben, is joining the Army so I understand a tiny bit of what you are feeling. My heart goes out to you to have to deal with this on top of everything else.


  16. I am a former Army wife (widowed) and now my daughter will be seeing her Army husband off this spring as he depl*ys to Afghani*tan. We pray for our troops daily. I will add Tyler to my prayer list. God Bless.

  17. Linn,
    My son is S*F too and depl*yed a week before your Tyler. I pray a hedge of protection around these courageous young men. May they feel His presence and peace amidst the strife.

    I can not fathom combining that with all the other factors you have going on in your life. May you , my dear sister in Christ, feel His peace and comfort.

    waiting for TA in TX for Jadyn in China

  18. will be praying for Ty, His and all those young soldiers sacrifices are so appreciated. Words just can not express the pride and honor that is given them.

    How’s DW’s fingers? have been praying for them too!!!!! and how’s he handling being forced out of his crawl space?

  19. Jesus, I am so grateful you are bigger than my arms can extend and reach far beyond even my imagination. Father, take care of Ty and his crew as they are away, even more so Father in this time this family is finding their way thru. Lord we trust you and believe you will protect and keep Ty. In Jesus Name, Amen

  20. Praying for Tyler and all our soldiers. Our oldest son will finish his AIT training in March and then I probably will be where you are now. I hope I can handle it with as much faith and grace as you have.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  21. Hey There
    The helicopters were from Ft Drum-one of the guys that was killed lived down the street from us. There were 4 killed…very sad, tough day here in the north country. unfortunately one we have grown accustomed to. Your prayers are coveted for these families.

  22. You and your son are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Although they don’t know you- my children are even adding your family to their prayer list. Your story continues to bring so much hope to all who read it. Keep the faith. I know it is so so hard what you are going through.

  23. I am praying for Tyler… and will continue to pray for all of you. I am going to tie a yellow ribbon around a tree in our front yard for Ty!! I hope this is okay. I don't have anyone that I am personally connected to that is in service/deplotey… but as I am a daily reader of your blog, I feel especially connected to your family.
    You are loved today… & everyday!!

  24. Oh gosh I know exactly how you feel on several different points. I know the fear that I felt when our son Steven was in Iraq. But I was always told that before anything is released to the media, the families are all notified first. I don’t know if that is a comfort to you, it was to me, because every morning I would turn on Good Morning America and there would be a tragic story of another fallen soldier, I would find comfort knowing that we had not been notified yet. Even though I would hurt so badly for those families. But I don’t know if that is the truth or not but it did help me quite a bit.

    And the other thing…I also would love it if all of our married kids would just be here all the time because then I would know when they were that they were safe And yes,of course we will certainly pray for your Tyler.

    God bless all of you.
    Love and blessings, Kristy

  25. You have been on our hearts and in our prayers since the day we learned of your unimaginable loss. I contacted my family in Pagosa Springs to ask our church there to help in any way. I’d drive down myself (from COS) but we just returned home from China ourselves with a new little one. We want to help you with our hands as well as our prayers. Now that I read of your son’s deployment, I am in tears at the emotions you must be feeling. My husband is active-duty and we have had years of our marriage separated by service to country. Thank you for continuing to glorify God in the midst of this. We will pray that He continues to make his plan known to you as you faithfully serve him in loving your family and taking the next step.

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