A Letter from my Bloggy Friend Linda

On Monday of this week (2/23/09) I did a Memorial Box Monday post about our miracle shoes dating from 1757. It has received a wonderful response and I am so thankful that many of you would like to start your own Memorial Box. It’s not too late to join in the giveaway, check it out here.

After the post I received an email from my bloggy friend Linda. She wrote a letter about one of her own Memorial Box experiences. I cried as I read her letter. I cried as I read it to Dw. Dw had tears dripping while he listened to me reading it.

It had such a profound impact on both of us that I wrote to this bloggy friend and asked if I could put post her letter on my blog. (She said yes.)

There are many of us who have struggled with our kids and some of the choices our kids have made. Dw and I have also counseled many families who are in deep pain because of the choices of their kids. This letter reminds us all that God is always at work in the lives of our kids – both grown and still at home. He is always faithful. He continues to woo them, even when they seem to be turning a deaf ear and their hearts are hard.

So even when our hearts can fill with discouragement and the situation looks bleak…He is still the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God.

Shared so graciously by Linda at Treasures in Earthen Vessels:

I love your “shoes” story, and I am reminded that our God is a God of details. This will be long, but here goes~

When we lost our oldest son in January 2003, at age 25, my grief was compounded by the fact that Danny had drifted so far from God in his last few years. He had been a difficult teenager, but I remember crying out to God (in 1993? 1994?) and having Him speak to my heart to tell me that Danny would indeed be restored to Himself. I was given no time table, but I believed. Still, ten years had passed, and I had seen little that would indicate a return to the God that Danny once professed to love. I began to question if his conversion experience was genuine, and at some points I wondered if I had imagined God speaking to me that night so long ago.

Fast forward to 1/1/2003. We received the most awful of phone calls from California telling us that Danny was the first death in Los Angeles County for the year. Devastating does not begin to describe the agony. I cry even now as I remember… and my greatest concern was where was he now? Was he a believer? Had he just gone along for the ride as a child because this was expected? I was only 44 at the time, so how could I live the remainder of my years with this agony? – it was too much to bear. I prayed, and I journaled, and I BEGGED God to give me some peace. Then one night, two months after his death, I was searching through a desk drawer. I had looked many times over the past few years for the bulletin from his baptismal service but could not locate it. In fact, I had searched this particular drawer at least a dozen times – I wanted to read his life verse. That night, I felt God leading me to the place I had looked so many times, and this time it was RIGHT THERE. I found the verse he had chosen as a 9-year-old boy to be read by his father. It was Romans 4:5, “However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.” Then – I remembered. The other kids had all chosen John 3:16, which is good, but Danny had picked this verse because he liked the meaning. I remembered asking him if he knew what it meant, and he did indeed. That was the first touch towards mending my broken heart.

Summer arrived, and I was again doubting. I am so weak of faith that I am ashamed to be admitting this to the world, but I still could not find it in me to be certain he was with our Lord. Over and over, I begged and cried out to Jesus for help. Out of the blue, one hot July day, I went to the mailbox and found a letter from his girlfriend in California. She had gone through some of Danny’s textbooks and found a letter jotted on the back of a school worksheet. This had been written in September 2002, and there was no doubt that it was Danny’s handwriting. It was a confession letter to God the Father, asking for help to get his life back in order. He admitted to being a stubborn man, and he listed the sins he wanted to repent of and make right. In it, he claimed the blood of Jesus. The funny thing is – he seldom bothered to write things down. Yet our God of the little details knew that some day a mom would have to know that her son yearned to be in fellowship once again with the Father. I fell to my knees and spent the weekend praising God and crying for the son I had lost, yet found.

Okay, I’m really crying now, but they are cleansing tears, and I need to remind myself often of these stories. And on top of it all – God kept his promise to restore Danny to Himself, albeit not in the way I would have chosen. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

21 thoughts on “A Letter from my Bloggy Friend Linda

  1. i probably should have stopped reading when i read that you and dwight were crying. but i didn’t.
    so now, i’m at my desk at work fighting back tears… of joy because of the faithfulness of our Lord! Such a heart wrenching story, but a story of God’s wonderful presence and faithfulness (though we are not always faithful to Him).

  2. An excellent reminder, when God tells us something in the daylight, we should not doubt it in the shadows of the night. Yes, Yes, Yes, He is always faithful, He can’t be otherwise.

    It is just like God to wait until He knows we can stand it no longer to show us just how wonderful He really is. And, He is creative in His approach to boot. We can never outguess Him. BBD in TX

  3. Our eldest son walked away from the Lord for 5 years. During that time, he spent 2 1/2 years serving in Iraq, years that he faced the possibility of death, daily. Years that he watched friends die in the street in front of him.

    At one point, I even asked him, “If you were to die today, would you go to heaven?” to which he responded, “I don’t know. I just don’t know.” Knowing that it was actually a high possibility that he could die that day, left this mama’s heart torn to pieces.

    God, in His faithfulness, not only brought our son safely back home, but also safely back into His arms. Gregg returned from Iraq last May, got out of the Army and came home in June, and got baptized in August. Praising God for His faithfulness.

    Thanks for sharing this story!


  4. Beautiful story of God’s mercy. Of His timing. Of His grace.

    Thank you so much for sharing it… Linda and Linny and DW.

    Nothing is too difficult for our God – including sending a letter at the perfect time.

  5. Praise God for Linda, her awesome letter of faith and God’s love. And her amazing son Danny. What an amazing testimony. Linda should tell her awesome Memorial story to all who will hear her. God bless you Linn for sharing and God bless Linda for her heart. Lv, jen

  6. Hi Linn.. i starting following your blog from a link off of abby’s blog right after the fire… since then i have gone back through your whole blog and have fallen in love with your family… i go check your blog daily and am thankful for being able to learn and grow with god through your site….
    this letter from your friend Linda hit very close… thank you linda for sharing!

    Meghan Slagle (LA)

  7. thank you , linda for sharing that with us. what a blessed reminder that God is always there and cares for us. he carries our tears in his hands. bless you, xx

  8. He is not a great High Priest who cannot sympathize with a mama who wants to know her son is with Jesus.

    or a family who is struggling to find answers and peace in the midst of a tragedy.

    Thank you, Jesus.

  9. Wow, what a powerful testimony of God’s deep love for Linda, and for her broken mamas heart. Thank you Linda for sharing. Thank you Father God for keeping Your promise, and restoring Danny to Yourself.

    Linda~ I pray that the Father will continue to heal your heart. Thank you for your transparency.

    Linn~Thank you for continually giving HIM the glory and thank you for introducing us to Linda!

    Blessings from Texas~


  10. God is truly so FAITHFUL! Oh my…. His mercies are new every morning! Praise God for what He did in danny’s life…. what a wonderful testimony of HIS faithfullness!
    Thank you for sharing Linda’s letter with us all…..it has truly blessed me today.

    Praising Him,

  11. Blessing the name of the Lord with both your families. What a wonderful story of God’s faithfulness, He is in the details for sure. So glad that God blessed you with peace for the days to come!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  12. Wow!! What an amazing testimony to God's love for us! What a faithful God! Thank you, Linda, for sharing.

    Linn & Dwight, I hope that you and your family are settling in to the "new" home. Still praying, praying, praying for all of you!

    Love you guys!

  13. Indeed, a hug from our amazing God to a mom desparately searching for peace. Thank you, Linda, for sharing how God is healing your mama’s heart; and thank you, Linn, for passing it on. My greatest ‘fear’ as a mom to six, soon to be seven, is ‘losing’ one of my children (even though I know they are His), and greater still would be the doubt of their salvation. God was so faithful as I watched my father die last year. My brothers and I had been praying for coherency as we would spend every moment sharing Jesus with him, begging God to not take him until he accepted Christ. Three weeks before the cancer took his life, he accepted Christ, and seven days after his 62nd birthday he went to be with Jesus! Oh, how I praise my God who is in the details!

  14. Thank you, Linn, thank you Linda.
    BTW, Linda IS a wonderful, wonderful lady whom I very much admire. Our lives touched in a very special way, and I finally got to meet her in person last summer.
    Many blessings,

  15. so amazing how faithful our God is. I know HE IS…but when I read about HIS faithfulness ….it still touches so deep the tears have to come out in praise. thank you for sharing that.

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