More Than One Use for a Sanitary Pad

Hmmm, what is this thing? It must be a diaper that comes in its own little covering….Yeah, it kind of looks like a diaper….Ummm, mom, do you have to have your camera out again?Okay, Mom, sure, watch me put the new diaper on baby….This looks like the right spot….But why do my hands keep sticking to the diaper?Looks good, but come on, stop sticking to my hands….Okay, lift one hand off….but how come this hand won’t unstick…lets switch hands….Let me think, left hand lifted off, right still stuck, right hand lifted off, left still stuck….(scratching head)….what in the world?
Okay Mom, the camera is totally putting pressure on me and I can’t figure this out….Cut the camera Mom! Cut the camera NOW!

45 thoughts on “More Than One Use for a Sanitary Pad

  1. What in the world is goin’ on over there??! Ha!

    Lucy recently made the same discovery and point blank asked me what it was. I told her it was a pull-up for Mama. Later I thought, Great, now she thinks girls wear pull-ups forever!

    B on a date?? I don’t see that anytime soon! Perhaps if a cute little someone lived a little closer….

    Love ya!

  2. Those things are so versatile, you just never know when you might need them. By the way, they make great finger puppets for long car trips. Just draw a little face on one side, slip your fingers in the fold, and voila, instant entertainment for your little ones, tried and true!

  3. Ha ha –really funny. He looks so intent. How did you hold that camera steady. I was laughing so hard looking at the pictures– seeing it in real life would have been all blurry pics. Good catch!

  4. oh Elijah!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a HOOT! Love when he scratches his head! Heee-LARRY-ous! I am thankful friend that you get that these moments not only need to be captured by shared! So stinkin funny!

    Love you~

  5. I love the sticky part- I can just imagine him trying ti get it off his hands! One hand helps the other and the next thing ya know it’s stuck again! Too Funny and Too Cute! Thanks for the Sunday morning smiles~

  6. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    Commenting on Lori’s “they’re pullups for Mommy” comment…When my boys asked me I just simply said, “oh, it’s just something for ladies.” I don’t know why that kind of answer satisfies them, but they have always left it alone after that!

  7. Hilarious, I love that is your two boys playing with the doll, imagine the daddies they will be someday. Thanks for the comment it came on a day I needed a little pick me up. Great Falls is our shopping city, it is about 2 hours a way, but the only thing that reminds me there are cities here albeit smaller ones.
    God Bless

  8. Aww, that’s soo cute! It also reminds me of when my little cousin was little, and he used his mums as skis. Down the long, varnished hall of a very posh hotel we were staying in!
    (Lurker since the fire, came over from Mckmamma)

  9. He’s SOOOOO creative! He should hang out with one of our friend’s kiddos…he thought those were giant band-aids! Boys!? Can’t live with them, can’t live without them! hehehe. Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. Um, YES, I’m so jealous! Talked to Sarah today??? *pout* hehehehe–soon, my friend!

  10. Hahaha, I’m laughing in China! I was gonna call and tell you something about this that would make you laugh but now I’m out the door! Please pray for the place, we need something ASAP….we are going to look at something but it won’t be ready for a few months, major renovations, need something right now!!!!

  11. Oh my goodness, Linny, that is hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle. I love it. What a sweet little girl you have been blessed with–she looks absolutely precious.

  12. Elijah, little man, you are sooooo cute!! You are obviously very smart,too. It’s so obvious that the ‘little diaper’ fit the little baby doll. AND I love Elizabeth’s baby doll. She’s such a sweet doll. You continue helping take care of the babies,OK!!

  13. Linny, I am laughing all the way in Mongolia. (And I needed the laugh!) Poor Elijah–I can only imagine what he’ll think of this entry when he’s 12 or 13!! I agree with “Hezra”–how did you hold the camera steady while you were laughing so hard? (:

  14. sooooo hilarious!! i bet there are a MILLION tampon/sanitary napkin stories out there. i had a friend who all of a sudden noticed her panty shields affixed to the walls, on the carpet hallway, down each stair and out the back door. imagine her surprise when her kids were pasting them all over the lawn, to the driveway!!
    talk about “footprints!”

  15. I am just cracking up , that is too funny!!

    I just wanted to share and I hope I have not done so before. Our 16 year old daughter is raising money and preparing to go on her first mission trip this July to the bahamas. This was a very hard decision for my husband and I but especially me. I just could not imagine letting my baby go anywhere that far without me, but God has put mission work on her heart so heavily , how do you say no to that. She has a beautiful heart and a true heart for God and his people. So really what more could a mom ask for. Im so proud of her.

    Love and blessings, Kristy

  16. OK, cracking up over here about the “diaper”. The nurses at the hospital gave S about 6 preemie diapers for her baby. She loves to change them and these fit perfectly, but now they have ALL ended up in the trash b/c she INSISTS on throwing them away just like Mommy does with hers. Oh well!!!

    Sorry your children are sick! STAY WELL friend! Oh and my niece had scarlett fever once. My sister was so worried but once she went on the meds. she was running around like normal. Hope they are well very soon!

    YES, wish we could jet over and have a play date!

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